Oh, Canada- New Law Lets Government Take Children Away If Parents Don’t Accept Their Gender Identity – IOTW Report

Oh, Canada- New Law Lets Government Take Children Away If Parents Don’t Accept Their Gender Identity

Heat Street

A Canadian province has passed a law that gives rights to the government to take away children from families that don’t accept their kid’s chosen “gender identity” or “gender expression”.

The Supporting Children, Youth and Families Act of 2017, also know as Bill 89, was passed in Ontario by a vote of 63 to 23,

The law, which replaces old laws governing child protection, foster care and adoption services, instructs all child services and judges, to take into consideration a child’s “race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, family diversity, disability, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.”

Minister of Child and Family Services Michael Coteau, who introduced the bill, said “I would consider that a form of abuse, when a child identifies one way and a caregiver is saying no, you need to do this differently.”

“If it’s abuse, and if it’s within the definition, a child can be removed from that environment and placed into protection where the abuse stops.”


*Note: The picture on the front page is of a transgender child whose parents approve of the child’s identification.

It’s being used for illustrative purposes, but conveys the opposite of what Canadian law seeks to do.

24 Comments on Oh, Canada- New Law Lets Government Take Children Away If Parents Don’t Accept Their Gender Identity

  1. Hopefully, the article outlining this policy is a joke. But assuming it is not, this highlights a problem that is becoming bigger and bigger – imputing to children the ability to reason and make intelligent choices based on life experiences and education. In other words, children frequently have no idea of what is going on with regard to the policies that are designed to “protect” them or “further their interests.”

    Many parents have embarrassing photographs of their male children trying on mom’s high heels. Is this because of some sort of confusion over gender, or some sort of latent homosexuality? No, high heels are weird and uncomfortable shoes, and some very young males try them on to see what the fuss is all about. They soon get over it.

    For young prepubescent children, they have little to no idea of what sex is, or how it’s done, and if explained to them would likely think it is disgusting. What do young children know about gender identity? What do young children know about sexual orientation? And why should the government be involved in these decisions in the first place?

    If I had to name any organization completely incompetent to raise children, it would be a government agency. At a minimum, kids should be safe, fed, sheltered, and cared for. But to impose rules which dictate political idealogy on small children under the threat of having them taken away is ridiculous.

  2. oookay……just when i think we have reached Peak Stupid or Peak Insane…here comes another new high -or low – whatever….

    ever since they let all the insane out of the hospitals to fend for themselves on the streets, things have gone downhill…now, we’re not even allowed to notice that crazy people are, IN FACT, crazy…….and instead, pc parents are encouraging THEIR OWN CHILDREN to become gender-dysphoric, just because it feeds the parents’ virtue signalling……this is a wonderful trend, a high fashion trend, and nobody at all cares about the welfare of the kids themselves….

    seems to me, most little kids understand whether they are boys or girls, and the problem starts when the parents decide they need a poster kid who’s a “trans”…..angelina jolie never allowed her own daughter to wear “girl clothes”….was that the child’s decision? – NO….but after ten or twelve years being treated like a boy, guess what…….

    it’s time we recognize mental illness as mental illness….after all, you’d have to be CRAZY to think you need your own gun in your own home……


  3. How about this for a wakeup call – screw the LGBTXYZ bullshit. A nuke on Mecca, followed by one on Medina may help the world and assist you freaks in getting your priorities straight.

  4. You are more than right CHUCKIE.
    Soon you will ALL have to choose
    a master God or Satan. If you choose
    God prepare to be persecuted like what
    would make the Roman coliseum look like
    Wheel of Fortune….

  5. “I’m a log!”
    He was tossed in the fire.
    “I’m a tree!”
    His brother hit him with an axe.
    “I’m a fish!”
    I tossed him in the lake.

    What are you supposed to do? DENY HIM? C’mon!!!!!

  6. The Provincial Liberal Party led by it’s lesbian Premier will be destroyed in the next election. They’ve pissed off so many ordinary Ontarians in so many ways, destroyed the province fiscally (on a per capita basis the province is in worse shape then California with fewer assets to rebound with) as well as socially with this sort of legislation knowing full well that they are out next time the polls open. Having said that I don’t know whether the Conservative Party would have the gumption to cut out those parts of the law that border on the fascism. I would hope that they do.

  7. wyatt….

    EXACTLY……seems the “grown-ups” have all abdicated their responsibilities (BIG SURPRISE, ALL THING CONSIDERED), and left it to the children to rule the world…..

    i managed to raise two close-to-millennial sons…..the younger one served in iraq, then went to “college,” and learned how all my stupid patriotism is just war-mongering, and how i’m a racist because i didn’t particularly like those people who were shooting at him while he was brainwashed into serving his country…

    the other one suffered through one year of college, dropped out, and now is a supervisor in the fracking industry….and who actually introduced me to the blaze network…..

    i think there is some sort of a life lesson in there somewhere…i would like to think that serving in the military would end in a good outcome, but then….COLLEGE happened to him…….maybe the GI Bill is just another leftist indoctrination tool……

  8. More brilliance from the suicidally enlightened.

    So when your child is taken from you because he wants to be a girl and the state hustled him along this path until the dysphoria drives him to suicide, can you sue the state? Or will you be too grief stricken and destroyed?

  9. @ chuckie. Tell your young, misinformed son, that the higher rate of shell shock and suicide among vets is due to our stupid PC government ordering them to shoot and kill men they are not allowed to hate. There was a damn good reason to demonize the enemy in world war 2. You can feel like a hero when you have to kill a “dirty, filthy, pagan Jap.” Not so much when your taught in our pubic schools that our ancestors were evil and the enemy are good folk that you can only engage and kill as a last resort. Then disown him, disinherit him, disavow him, and get a freakin restraining order against him until he studies text books on our history from the 50’s or earlier.

  10. @Freeman: No, no heels for me. Fashion for guys is so much easier; buying a new suit for me is about a 20 minute process including the fitting. Neutral color for shirts, and I leave the ties for Christmas and birthday presents. I never worry if my clothes make my ass look fat – my ass is fat so I wear baggier pants.

  11. You can Identify as any gender you choose. You cannot Identify as a Parent with the right to rear your children in accordance with your beliefs and values.

  12. Every parent knows children respond to positive signals. They seek approval and will be guided by them. These parents are warping these little children from an early age. They are molding them to fit their social concepts. Pure cruelty that will damage kids for their entire life.

  13. Yes the state must intervene because in their wisdom you’re not doing it right, not loving your kid enough and rip them out of your arms to not be seen again.
    This is the stuff nightmares are made of.

  14. @reboot
    I’m not your daughter, am I??? :0
    (On a slightly more serious note)
    The government should NOT have the right to take a child away, unless physical or sexual abuse or starvation is going on, what possible moral reason is there?
    Canada is going to hell in a handbasket, but what should I expect when the father of their current prime minister was a legit devil worshipper.

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