Oh, Dear – IOTW Report

Oh, Dear

elderly women whip nae nae

– Watch them Whip–now watch them Nae Nae! These two assisted living beauties, of Somerby of Peachtree City, give all of us a run for our money with their dancing skills.

Pretty sure this is elder abuse.

12 Comments on Oh, Dear

  1. it IS elder abuse to force these poor old people to listen to the crap their “tenders” want to hear……let’s see how these little old ladies respond if you let them dance to something from their own youth….let’s see what happens if you play benny goodman’s “sing sing sing”……..i suspect you would see two much happier little old ladies……

    although they might not survive the cardio workout…but, still….they would have died happy…..

    way more happy than they are dancing to the crap they’re forced to listen to these days……

  2. oh, and by the way……..what’s wrong with all yall?

    when my grandmother came to visit – which was mercifully seldom – music was banned from our house…..she believed that “music was the devil”……so there was no music in the house when SHE was in the house…….

    the whole household was forced to conform to her idiocy…….one woman had the power to silence both my parents, me, and my four brothers……WHAT THE HECK????

    if i could go back in time, i would be playing my guitar and singing loudly in her face the whole visit – but only gospel music, of course….because i would not want to bruise her tender sensibilities any more than necessary……

    but you all seem to think there’s nothing wrong with making poor little old ladies who have nowhere else to go, and no way to exempt themselves……listen to the crap you hear them dancing to….oh isn’t it just sooooo cute………

    but they LOOK so happy……yeah…….right….

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