Oh, dear… Ambulance crew drops Olympic gymnast after he snapped his leg – IOTW Report

Oh, dear… Ambulance crew drops Olympic gymnast after he snapped his leg

Warning: The footage of the drop isn’t gross but if you scroll down further to read the article you can see pictures of the noodle-leg in its full glory. 

DailyMailUK: A French gymnast who dramatically broke his leg at the Rio Olympics had his pain further compounded when hapless medical staff dropped his stretcher as he was hurried out of the stadium.

Samir Ait Said’s leg snapped as he tried to complete his vault during team preliminaries on Saturday, with the sound of the injury echoing through the arena.

As he crumpled to the floor Said writhed in agony while medical officials tended to him in front of a shocked crowd. After a delay of several minutes, he was eventually wheeled out and raised one arm to acknowledge the loud ovation he received from the crowd.

But just minutes later the athlete was in even more excruciating pain after medical staff attempting to bundle him into a waiting ambulance dropped the lower end of the stretcher.

Read more.

7 Comments on Oh, dear… Ambulance crew drops Olympic gymnast after he snapped his leg

  1. True story: One of my co-workers was struggling to open a stuck file cabinet drawer. She pulled so hard that the whole thing fell on her, injuring her knee. She was taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital, where they put her face-up on an examining table for x-rays. While she was waiting for the x-ray technician to come take the x-rays, the table collapsed and she hurt her head.

    Shit happens. You can’t make this up.

  2. Ten years ago my wife was in a car accident and hurt her neck. The ambulance came and the EMTs put her in a stretcher with neck brace, etc. The dumbasses forgot to latch the stretcher down in the ambulance and, when they turned a corner, it spilled her over, upside down on the floor of the ambulance.
    Luckily, she received no permanent neck or other injuries. I was “THIS CLOSE” to suing their asses off.

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