Oh Geez… Obama Tells the GOP They Are Free To Rename Obamacare After Changes – IOTW Report

Oh Geez… Obama Tells the GOP They Are Free To Rename Obamacare After Changes

President Floats Obamacare Fixes and Offers to Let GOP Rename It


there have been many well publicized stumbles, including broken websites and dramatic increases in premiums, not to mention the refusal of Republican-led states to do much to encourage the law’s implementation.

About 11 million people have enrolled through the online marketplaces, far short of the 21 million that the Congressional Budget Office initially estimated for this point in time.

“They can even change the name of the law to Reagancare,” Obama said, drawing laughs from the crowd.

“Or they can call it Paul Ryancare,” Obama added, referring to the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. “I don’t care — about credit. I just want it to work.”

Well, he wants us to rename it. Gahead.

28 Comments on Oh Geez… Obama Tells the GOP They Are Free To Rename Obamacare After Changes

  1. “I don’t care — about credit. I just want it to work.”
    That’s the problem with communi….I mean libs – they “want” something to work so badly they will kill anyone who resists.

  2. OT, if you haven’t seen coverage of that Catholic event in DC tonight look it up and don’t pay attention to the media. Trump was hilarious, Hitlary was serious as a heart attack. Best joke of the night came from Trump. “Hillary bumped into me durring the last debate and said Pardon Me. The buys to quick.

  3. It hasn’t done shit for me, no matter how you slice it.

    I’m on the Pioneer Wagon Trail plan, even though I’m fully insured. I’d rather die than be in a government database. Yearly checkups? Go fcuk yourself. I’m not scared of needles, I’m scared of being numbered!

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