Oh Geez— Psaki Hot? – IOTW Report

Oh Geez— Psaki Hot?

. Am I the only conservative that finds Jen Psaki alluring?

I think the guy was drunk when he tweeted this.

I look at picture below and I pray to God she is not about to “Sharon Stone” us.

See the source image

57 Comments on Oh Geez— Psaki Hot?

  1. On a purely physical level (assuming I knew absolutely nothing else about her), maybe. She’s nothing I’d go out of my way for, tho’.

    Knowing about her as I do, tho’, no fucking way. I wouldn’t touch her with Hillary’s dick.

  2. I find myself in @Heatsync’s camp. If the impossible were to take place and I saw her for the very first time, knowing nothing about her, just based on her appearance, she looks like she might be fun in a naughty way.



  3. Joe6, Curiosity is not always a good thing. However I will tell you there are different red heads, and particularly the Irish version are trophies. I’ll shut up now, honest, I’m not a male whore.

  4. Brad, I believe it. Being an Irishman I can appreciate it. I really don’t think Jen Pissaki is a real anything except a TRAITOROUS BASTARDETTE. Is she married? What kind of a cuck is married to her?

  5. The late night west coast boys have left themselves wide open for some copper pot scrubber and basset hound jokes…and NO, I’m not picking on you’all. just funsi’s….LOL

  6. @Uncle Al and Brad
    RCH – At first a skipped right past that comment, but then the later discussion made me look back. As an engineer I can attest to that term being applied often during discussions at the drafting table with the old guys. The new flock would just give a confused stare.

  7. STOP IT!

    This is sexist!

    She doesn’t have man hands because she’s a little shit, and her hands, like her brain and her character, are little. Everything is relative.

    But most of all, SHE IDENTIFIES AS A BIRTHING PERSON. Remember?

  8. Psaki looks like a Giant Carrot had to take a massive dump and the turd that came out was shaped like Psaki. On top of everything else totally gross about this ginger scrunt, she has dead goat eyes.

    Any man who would find this slag attractive has serious mental and emotional issues.


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