Oh, Never Mind: BLM Protesters Kneel, Rally for Man Killed by Police, Then It Turns Out He’s White – IOTW Report

Oh, Never Mind: BLM Protesters Kneel, Rally for Man Killed by Police, Then It Turns Out He’s White


Black Lives Matter has led the charge to make seemingly every issue in America a referendum on race. One example of this came during a protest outside Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s mansion in St. Paul on Sunday.

The New York Post reported that dozens of protesters were kneeling outside the mansion amid reports of a shooting involving an officer in Burnsville, Minnesota.

Mitti Hicks, a reporter for KMSP-TV in Minneapolis, tweeted a video of the kneeling protesters, some of whom were displaying Black Lives Matter signs, flags and other memorabilia.

“Protestors kneel after hearing there was an officer-involved shooting in Burnsville moments ago,” she reported. “This information HAS NOT been confirmed but this group says they’re heading there.” more

11 Comments on Oh, Never Mind: BLM Protesters Kneel, Rally for Man Killed by Police, Then It Turns Out He’s White

  1. …setting aside the overall ridiculousness of this, part of this statement suggests and unfamiliarity with both arborculture and the Bible…

    ““We’re not dealing with bad apples,” Noah said. “We’re dealing with a rotten tree that happens to grow good apples…”

    …well, God says…

    “For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.”
    Luke 6:43

    …so the tree can’t be bad even in your tortured metaphor if good apples spring from it.

    …we now return you to your regularly scheduled Democrat stupidity.

  2. @ janitor

    Someone drops a vial of crack cocaine in a Wal Mart on Black Friday. The person who retrieves it without being trampled wins the race.

    You’re welcome.

  3. ^^^ummm, REAL bad NSFW language warning on that, the ONE WORD you’re not allowed to say, but the show creator abd the character are Black, so it’s OK I guess…

  4. There is no definition of “race.”
    The idea behind the word is amorphous.
    The closest approximation might be “genus” or even “species.”
    Horses and donkeys are of the same “family” (Equidae) but cannot produce viable offspring.

    I don’t pretend to understand any of this – but there it is.

    izlamo delenda est …

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