Oh Please! Mooshell Gets Maudlin and Hypocritical at DNC – IOTW Report

Oh Please! Mooshell Gets Maudlin and Hypocritical at DNC

Moose starts to cry when she reminds everyone that a “woman can be president.”

Then she says America is great. 8 years ago she said she was never proud of America. What changed?

She says that no one should ever tell you that America used to be great and doesn’t need to get great again.

Side note – if she pronounces strength “shtrenf” one more time I’m going to punch the television.

63 Comments on Oh Please! Mooshell Gets Maudlin and Hypocritical at DNC

  1. “Then she says America is great. 8 years ago she said she was never proud of America.”

    Funny, last time I was proud of America was about eight years ago. Our country has been invaded from within. Time to put an end to this shit and get our country back.

  2. I agree about the “sthrenf” but the one that really gets me is “frushtrashion”.
    Her speech was total bullshit, and she had to mention again that she lives in a house “built by slaves”.
    Somebody must have paid her a bundle, because we know that she despises Hillary.

  3. I would seriously like to thank you for watching what the left does.
    Once Obama took office I stopped listening to radio and Tv.
    I don’t know how you do it. I can’t stand those bastards.

  4. I can’t watch any of this. In fact reading about it makes me want to fly back home and punch my brothers in the nose. And what the hell did bho do to cause moose to think we are now a great nation. I may blow a gasket by the time the DNC and the media are done with us on Thursday.

  5. From Mooshell to Nancy to Debbie to Hillary progressive liberal women are plain fucking stupid. Mooshell has it better than
    99 44/100ths of the women in the entire world and she bitches. Piss on her. 😡

  6. Elizabeth Warren is talking out of her ass through a piece pipe. I’ve got some new Indian names for you Liz:

    Squaw With No Vadge
    Squaw With Yeast Infection
    Squaw Who Won’t Swallow
    Squaw Who Smells Like Ass
    Squaw Who Smells Like Crotch
    Squaw Who Loves Anal
    Squaw With No Tits

    Ok. That’s all I have for now.

  7. Bernie is speaking now.
    Perhaps tomorrow you can bring back ‘leftist BINGO’?
    I may want to get REALLY DRUNK!

    Some suggestions:
    The 1%
    Social Justice
    Environmental Justice
    Economic Justice
    Racial Justice
    Moonbat Justice
    Get Off My Lawn Justice

  8. So Loco, These fuck heads have had 8 years to fix what they’re complaining about. And the dumb asses are still running on the same issues as 12 years ago. Vote for me and I’ll set you free. So who you voting for? And who is Ted Cruz?

  9. Loco, But he’s not a fucking Presidential candidate. What’s important here? We need to put the white noise behind us. We need to all be on the same team. There’s just Hillary and Trump. That’s it.

  10. Mooch is an elitist scumbag. She has the nerve to mention “her girls” get to go to school in an SUV, guarded by big men with guns. Too bad Southside Chicago kids can’t legally get that kind of protection .
    Squaw Warren is bat crap crazy. Period.
    Comrade Bernie is doing his commie shtick. Still berning Hellary. His followers are in tears. Lord help us.
    The DNC is a collection of lunatics on parade.
    It’s a miracle I’m able to watch this freak show without yelling at the TV.

  11. Scott Pelley JUST SAID right after Bernie walked off, “…has healed the breech.” HOW WOULD HE KNOW? He had that line written already! Trying to create a narrative but it’s false!

  12. Cruz actually did Trump a favor.
    The asshole MSM wouldn’t shut up about Melania’s speech until Cruz made his.
    Job done.
    BTW, you guys are vindicating me from my complaint on an earlier post this morning.
    Hopefully Trump is done talking Cruz and focused on Hillary.
    She is certainly focused on him.

  13. SyFy “Dam Sharks” – sharks in the river killing humans and using their bodies to build a dam.
    Still more thought provoking than anything coming out of the Democrat Convention.
    Say goodnight, Gracie.

  14. Loco, not drunk and not my point, the Dems are snapping in line with the bull shit. This is a fight for all we hold dear. No more Cruz until this is done. We need to focus, we need to all get on the same team.

  15. I couldn’t watch all the speeches or even all of some of them tonight.
    I just couldn’t take it.
    What I did see was:

    An angry black woman
    An angry faux Indian
    An angry, senile old man

    Man, the last eight years must have REALLY SUCKED!

  16. Loco, LOL, really, did FUR not call you out for starting the Cruz shit this morning? Who’s drunk now bitch. It’s gotta stop. We need to get on the same team. And some are to stupid to get there. That’s fine. We got a heard of Bernie supporters headed are way.

  17. Fuck that sigh, shits getting real. In for a penny in for a pound. You’re a natural born smart ass with a persuasive personality. I’m saying right now pick a side and stick to it. Something to think about. But not much time left.

  18. Wassup…. Fuck… Her/Him?

    Whatevever, wall building mother fcukers! You need to learn to tolerate the shtruggle on the shtreets to be schtraight up!

    It’s a fcuking food desert out there because Michael keeps eating all the onions!

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