Oh, Shiny Prime Minister! – IOTW Report

Oh, Shiny Prime Minister!

h/t Small Dead Animals

Trudeau blasted by Brazilian magazine and Amnesty International

CBC News: ‘Everything is wrong with Canada’s prime minister — except his appearance’


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, usually a media darling on the international stage, found himself on the receiving end of attacks by a Brazilian columnist and a global human rights group in recent weeks. 

Veja magazine and Amnesty International both came out swinging against the prime minister — the former blasting him as a “narcissistic” pretty boy who is soft on terror, and the latter criticizing him for not doing enough to rescue a jailed Saudi blogger. More

8 Comments on Oh, Shiny Prime Minister!

  1. C’mon, cut the kid some slack.
    After all, his only experience is working as a snowboard instructor and a part-time drama teacher.
    Not even a part-time “Constitutional” instructor.
    He hasn’t even had time to evolve yet.

  2. Canada was economically strong, pro Israel, anti-terrorist, pro hard work, and an example of how to move positively in the 21st Century. But no, the electorate wanted a “change”… Stupid, stupid, stupid! It’s like let’s copy everything that didn’t work elsewhere.

    This is personally costing me thousands in extra taxes and the loss of credits to give to the non-producers.

  3. This fellow is an idiot. He has half the intellect of his father (who managed to do major damage to the country) but between him and his progressive Liberal Party handlers, he could do even worse. If he is at an uncontrolled interview or non-scripted event where even softball questions are asked you would see what I mean. I really am ashamed by the actions of so many of my fellow Canadians who voted for him to get free stuff.

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