Oh the Irony – The Mugshots of the Owners of Mugshots.com Are Now Available Online – IOTW Report

Oh the Irony – The Mugshots of the Owners of Mugshots.com Are Now Available Online

The owners of Mugshots.com have been criminally charged with extortion. They were leaving up the mugshots of people who were exonerated of the crimes they were charged with unless the people paid them a fee.

You can see the scumbaggage HERE. 

And I think their mugshots should stay on the internet even if they are acquitted. No, two wrongs don’t make a right, but 2 wrongs makes for karmic justice.

ht/ fdr in hell

8 Comments on Oh the Irony – The Mugshots of the Owners of Mugshots.com Are Now Available Online

  1. They have weaponized the internet. Therefore: ban the internet.
    Oh, actually, they are just criminals… kinda like the shooters who committed crimes with guns so: maybe we don’t need to ban all guns after all…

  2. “They were leaving up the mugshots of people who were exonerated of the crimes they were charged with unless the people paid them a fee.”

    Never horn in on Government territory.

  3. I know someone who was attacked by his drunken girlfriend (psycho case) and when he defended himself, was arrested by the police and charged with assault (in such cases, the cops assume the male is the guilty party). Because of the prevailing political climate, his attorney advised him to take a plea bargain and plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge, otherwise he could wind up in prison (which occurs a lot these days, even though you may be innocent).
    He was informed that after probation and some community service, will be eligible to have the whole matter “expunged” from his record, as though it had never happened, otherwise it would affect his career opportunities for the rest of his life. The cost? Around four thousand dollars. The difference between that and what these guys did? Nothing. Except in his case
    it’s the State doing the extorting, so it is perfectly legal.

    Think it couldn’t happen to you?

    Neither did he.

  4. @Vietvet May 18, 2018 at 10:40 pm

    > it’s the State doing the extorting, so it is perfectly legal.
    > Think it couldn’t happen to you?
    > Neither did he.

    Awww. Socializing, actually interacting, with the retarded.
    You’s good people, Vietvet.

  5. Our Local Sheriff’s Dept. has their own website keysso.net,

    which shows Daily Mugshots…Now they are even on the front page

    of the local Paper (electronic edition) keysnews.com

    We use it as tool to find out Who’s not making it to Work

    that morning…and to Harass Friends.


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