O’Hare Strikes Set For Thanksgiving – IOTW Report

O’Hare Strikes Set For Thanksgiving


Non unionized workers at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport are expected to stage strikes this week in support of $15.00 an hour wage.  “Hundreds of workers consisting of janitors, baggage handlers, cabin cleaners, and wheelchair attendants will participate in the strike.”  They are being egged on by SEIU, of course.


Flying through O’Hare is a crap shoot at the best this time of year, now it’s just going to be crappy.

12 Comments on O’Hare Strikes Set For Thanksgiving

  1. Am I being too optimistic that Trump really would fire them?

    Actually, what I am hoping to see is, on January 21 (give him 1/2 day to enjoy the inauguration) Trump takes America by the scruff of the neck and gives about 5-6 hard shakes. Then grab us by the ear and say, “ENOUGH of this nonsense. You want to cry? I’ll give you something to cry about!”

    I was going to say that we are exempt because Trump likes us best, but we could all probably do with some stern talk. I think we would all break into tears … of joy!

  2. They prefer to be making nothing to what they are getting now, makes no sense. It is much harder to make a purchase of food, heat, clothing with no income. If they go on a prolonged strike, they will never break even with a higher wage.

  3. Unlike the FAA guys that work in the tower that are Federal employees I believe this babble of snowflakes are city employees. Please, anybody, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
    Having flow numerous times both through and as a starting/ending point I don’t know if I would notice that much difference in Chicago.
    Again liberals / SEIU douche nozzles are just solidifying the Trump base (NOTE: not the GOP, them fuckers are dead to me).

    Enjoy your Thanks Giving holiday everyone, I hope none of your are inconvenienced by by liberal assholes. 🙂

  4. tctsuanami. I believe these are people employed by private contractors. They could all be fired and the contractors could lose their contracts. Just bring in another bunch of janitors etc.

  5. Janitors, baggage handlers, cabin cleaners, and wheelchair attendants. Need scabs? Just drop by the nearest Home Depot and load up your pick-up. No minimum wage? No problema!

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