Ohhh, We Get It! – Sports Illustrated Uses Christine Blasey Ford to Introduce Victim of Sexual Abuse at Awards Ceremony – IOTW Report

Ohhh, We Get It! – Sports Illustrated Uses Christine Blasey Ford to Introduce Victim of Sexual Abuse at Awards Ceremony

They just won’t give up, will they?

Sports Illustrated was honoring Rachel Denhollander, the gymnast who was the first to accuse doctor Larry Nasser of sexual abuse, leading to his conviction.

So who did SI commission to introduce the actual victim of sexual abuse?

Christine Blasey Ford.

What would be the connection here?

Oh, because Ford is a victim of sexual abuse, of course.


13 Comments on Ohhh, We Get It! – Sports Illustrated Uses Christine Blasey Ford to Introduce Victim of Sexual Abuse at Awards Ceremony

  1. Everything the Left touches turns to shit. Sports Illustrated is no different. People do not read it to become socially aware of the latest leftist cause. It will go the way of Newsweek and Time with declining circulations.

  2. …I’m sorry, was that “Sexual Abuse Allegation Illustrated”?

    …you and ESPN. Just report on the damn GAME, already! NO ONE comes to you for social commentary, just quit it.



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