Ohhhhhhh Canada… BREAKING: Liberals to build refugee camps on Canadian military bases — Taxpayers will fund mosques, Korans – IOTW Report

Ohhhhhhh Canada… BREAKING: Liberals to build refugee camps on Canadian military bases — Taxpayers will fund mosques, Korans

Kathy Shaidle alerted me to this Rebel exclusive

The Canadian military has been ordered by Justin Trudeau’s Liberals to draft plans to house more than 6,000 Muslim migrants on a long-term basis at military bases, according to documents obtained exclusively by The Rebel (see below.)

Included in the Department of National Defence budgets are hundreds of thousands of dollars set aside for “religious support,” including the purchase of Muslim Korans, prayer mats and foot-washing towels.

The plans also call for the construction of mosques or “worship centres,” using taxpayers dollars.

The planning documents, in English and French, were released in response to a Rebel “Access to Information” request about religious expenditures by the Department of National Defence.

But the detailed Quebec budget plans also shed light on the sheer scale of the Trudeau government’s plans to set up refugee camp-style accommodations on seven Canadian Forces Bases across Quebec and Ontario.

The budget for Quebec alone totals more than $46 million for the first six months.

For a typical migrant family, that’s a $200,000/year subsidy — not including medicare or welfare.


14 Comments on Ohhhhhhh Canada… BREAKING: Liberals to build refugee camps on Canadian military bases — Taxpayers will fund mosques, Korans

  1. Some lessons have to be learned the hard way. I hope the libtards who voted their mess in reap the whirlwind they have sown. Good, long, and hard. My patience span for stupid people is quickly approaching that of a lightning bolt. They keep this bullshit up, there won’t be a US left to come bail their stupid sorry asses out with what they are doing here.

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