Ohio Abortion Center Reportedly Tossed Dismembered Baby Remains In Dumpster – IOTW Report

Ohio Abortion Center Reportedly Tossed Dismembered Baby Remains In Dumpster


A dismembered unborn baby was thrown into a dumpster behind an abortion facility in Ohio in violation of state law, according to an anti-abortion group in the state.

Ohio Right to Life put out a press release Wednesday, describing how it learned an unborn child about 17-weeks gestation was discarded in a dumpster. This action would be in direct violation of S.B. 27, the Unborn Child Dignity Act, signed by Republican Gov. Mike DeWine in December 2020. The law requires the state’s Department of Health to ensure protocol is in place for the cremation or burial of unborn children who die through abortion.

“This child suffered doubly at the hands of the abortion industry: first, by being subjected to a brutal death by dismemberment and second by the degradation of his or her broken body being dumped into the trash like garbage,” said Ohio Right to Life President Mike Gonidakis in a statement. more here

11 Comments on Ohio Abortion Center Reportedly Tossed Dismembered Baby Remains In Dumpster

  1. Deplorable, progtards might have had a conscience when they were born but it’s been so seared by their sins of arrogance and pride and hubris etc. from being edjamacated by progtard ideas since they were born. Because they think that they’re better than us plebes their consciences have become totally useless. Anyone who disposes of an unborn child like this who was made in God’s image is a servant of Moloch, Beelzebub, Lucifer, Satan and is a totally corrupted evil human being.


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