Ohio AG Suggests Courtroom Battle To Stop Feds Dumping Migrants In State – IOTW Report

Ohio AG Suggests Courtroom Battle To Stop Feds Dumping Migrants In State


Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost announced Monday that his office is investigating how to stop the Biden-Harris administration from continuing to resettle massive numbers of foreign nationals into his state.

An enormous increase in the migrant population in Ohio has taken place during the past four years of the Biden-Harris administration, leading to a strain in the state’s economic, medical and educational systems, Yost declared in a press release. Ohio’s top prosecutor says he is now directing his office to research courtroom strategies on how to stop the White House from sending an “unlimited” number of migrants into Ohio communities. 

“How many people can they be expected to take?” the GOP attorney general asked. “What are the limits to the federal government’s power? Could the federal government simply funnel into Ohio all the millions of migrants flooding in under the current administration’s watch?” more here

16 Comments on Ohio AG Suggests Courtroom Battle To Stop Feds Dumping Migrants In State

  1. If there’s no constitutional U.S. Code law that presumes to force state govts to absorb migrants and their costs, then Ohio could argue that the feds are in violation of the 10th Amendment. (Not that the 10th gets the respect it deserves…or any respect at all for that matter.)

    If the IS such a law in the USC, then Ohio could argue that the matter was settled in its favor back in 1997 with Printz v. United States, wherein SCOTUS said the feds cannot force states to spend money in support of a fed-level law. (In this case, it blew away that part of the Brady gun bill that required state LEOs to perform background checks at their own expense.)

    The above, of course, depends upon Dem respect for constitutionality. M reaction to that idea is HAHAHAHAAAHAAAHAAAHAHAHA!

  2. If you REALLY want to be pissed, see Matt Walsh’s YT video from yesterday. Springfield Ohio, population 60,000 (before) has had 20,000 Haitian “refugees” dumped there since Joe and Kamala were installed. Nightmare for the residents there. This all by the hand of Obama to “fundamentally transform” America.

  3. America is the analogue of the caterpillar that has been injected by the parastic wasp, finally aware of the little things starting to eat it. It’s too frikken late.

    Hey,Guys! You know those blankets whitey has been giving us?
    I’m starting to think there might be something wrong with them.

  4. The courts ain’t gonna stop this invasion.
    It’s gonna have to be the PEOPLE who will stop this….if they have the stones.
    It’s going to have to be the people who will have to rise up and physically attack the illegals, attack the NGOs that brought in the illegals, and attack the politicians that allowed the NGOs to bring in the illegals.

  5. I did not read the article, but the headline angers me. We don’t need a court proceeding to protect our citizens. Talk to the Sheriff, if he won’t help send the guard to round them up. Shoot the ones that try to escape. Drop leafletss to keep it nice. Be at point A and a certain time or consider yourselves fugitives.

  6. We, the People of the United States, have tolerated much – and are now drowning in the shit Clinton, Obola, Biden, Bush, the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the DHS, et al, have spread over our beautiful country.

    We seem to be approaching the point where we’re not willing to tolerate much more.
    Time will tell.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Oh, and whatever a Demonrat spews is total bullshit – a diversion at best.
    An illusion of taking the part of America while covertly seeking to destroy it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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