Ohio boards up business for not complying with “voluntary” shut down – IOTW Report

Ohio boards up business for not complying with “voluntary” shut down

Sounds like it’s not voluntary.

Cincinnati.com- A South Fairmount business was boarded up and shut down Tuesday after police said it violated Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s order banning gatherings of more than 50 people.

Police descended on the Queen City Lounge, formerly called Golden Nugget Lounge, at 2196 Queen City Ave. just after noon on Monday to close it down.

Cincinnati police said the business held a private banquet that violated the order. 

As well as closing down restaurant dining rooms, suspending public schools and postponing Tuesday election, DeWine and his administration have issued orders almost daily in an attempt to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Captain Paul Broxterman said the Queen City Lounge has been a “problematic location” for police.

“They were told to close and they chose not to,” Broxterman said. “They put a sign up in the window that said, ‘Members Only,’ to try to get around the law, but that’s not going to cut it. They have to close just like everyone else.”

The Ohio Department of Health reported as of 2 p.m. Tuesday that the state has 67 confirmed cases of the virus with 17 of those patients requiring hospitalization.


17 hospitalizations in a state of 12 million people.

My calculator doesn’t have enough zeroes to give you the odds of contracting, let alone dying of, coronavirus in Ohio.

ht/ jerry manderin

30 Comments on Ohio boards up business for not complying with “voluntary” shut down

  1. Claudia
    MARCH 18, 2020 AT 11:17 AM
    “Someone needs to send the Ohio government a dictionary.

    That’s asuming they can read.”

    …DeWine knows the law, he just doesn’t care.

    Like any “good” Democrat, he’s not going to let a good crisis go to waste when he can use it to arrogate unconstitutional powers to himself and help his REAL party try to take the President down…

  2. They just closed down non-essential travel between Canada and the US. My mom lives in Canada across the river where I live. If something was to happen to her I’ll swim across if I have to.

  3. &*$#!@ you De Wine. @ Claudia RINO leftard De Wine doesn’t care what the law or Constitution says. He’s willingly following the abortion loving one-worlder Amy Acton Health Dept Director. There weren’t any choices last election cycle. We would have been better off voting for a tape worm.

  4. They were warned. We are all about voluntary compliance. We ask for cooperation.

    — Assistant Chief Paul Neudigate


    What he meant:

    They were warned ordered. We are all about voluntary unopposed compliance. We ask for demand cooperation.

  5. Like my mechanic friend said yesterday, maybe now people will start to understand we have given the government too much power over our lives. If you own a business, you are only doing it at the permission of government, by buying a state, county and city business license. If you refuse to obey any orders by them, they can revoke that license at any time, then they can fine you and even arrest you if you refuse to pay the fine, in the meantime they can lock your business up.

  6. When I moved to Ohio from NC decades ago people acted as though I came from backwards Mayberry. At the time I pointed out we had lovely hospitality centers at our rest stops unlike Ohio’s pit latrines. The pit latrines are gone but this place is still a wasteland.

  7. Correction from SW Ohio, the correct spelling for the Governor of Ohio is DeWhine.
    He’s been a RINO since losing his first election when he ran as a democrat decades ago. Reading the tea leaves, he ran as a republican thereafter and has won. Establishment slug all the way.

  8. The bar in question is an all black, let’s shoot up and stab each other kind of place. They warned them Sunday night about staying open, and they did anyway. I guess they wanted to stay open for all the black Irish who wanted to celebrate on Tuesday.

  9. Mr. Mxyzptlk
    MARCH 18, 2020 AT 1:07 PM
    “The bar in question is an all black, let’s shoot up and stab each other kind of place.”

    …you’ve just described EVERY Black bar, so shutting them down on that criteria would have a “disparate impact” and be therefore ruled “rayciss”, with reparations demanded and White people punished as a group because, slavery, or something…

  10. ..anyway, if you’re from around the area, @Mr. Mxyzptlk, I’m sure you know from the “Mahogany’s” saga at the Banks that the City will do ANYTHING for a Black-owned business no matter how stupid or non-viable it may be, and regardless of the competence of the properly-hued owner…

  11. Eugenia
    MARCH 18, 2020 AT 12:13 PM
    “When I moved to Ohio from NC decades ago people acted as though I came from backwards Mayberry. ”

    …I’ve been to Mt. Airy, NC, it’s a nice place, and doesn’t even wear you out over the ‘Mayberry’ themeing. In fact, I wanted it to look MORE Mayberry, but I DID like all the Bible covers, support the military T-shirts, and TRUMP hats I saw in EVERY Main Street shop window regardless of how hard they were trying to Andy.

    Nice folks.

    I’ve been to other NC places too, but never the big cities, except for changing planes in Charlotte. I’d go back to all of them.

    …so, how’s your recovery going? You seem pretty spirited. Getting around all right? Praise reports aren’t manditory, but ALWAYS appreciated…

  12. Gov DeWine is The Word Master.

    “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.”

    “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”

    “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master — that’s all.”


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