Ohio Community Center Offers Kids “Shoot The President” Nerf Party – IOTW Report

Ohio Community Center Offers Kids “Shoot The President” Nerf Party


It’s simply amazing that the left, and the fake news media continue to spew their false narrative that President Trump is the cause for creating the atmosphere of hate, and division, while completely ignoring the facts.

The Olmstead Performing Arts community center’s website, advertised their “Shoot The President” birthday party, stating it’s a game that’s played with Nerf guns and is part of a birthday package for children.

Cleveland’s Fox 8 covered the story, saying it’s “raising more than a few eyebrows in Northeast Ohio.”

Adam Sheldon, director of the Baldwin Wallace Community Arts School told Fox 8 that he would eliminate games with Nerf guns.


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18 Comments on Ohio Community Center Offers Kids “Shoot The President” Nerf Party

  1. Adam Sheldon, director of the Baldwin Wallace Community Arts School told Fox 8 that he would eliminate games with Nerf guns. Eliminating games with nerf guns is not necessary, just change the game. You could play Americans vs muslims, or Conservatives vs liberals, or Capitalists vs socialists.

  2. When my son was in second grade in 2008, the class had to write letters to Preezy Obama, wishing him well. And yes, the teacher was black.

    She’s probably making her class put voodoo hexes on Trump now.

  3. Amazing that the director said he would “Eliminate games with Nerf guns.” Because it’s the guns that are offensive to this twit, not the shooting the president part.

  4. Living in the Puget Sound region, this comes as no surprise at all. We here are exposed to it constantly. The lunatic fringe is all about indoctrination and using children as political props. They are opportunists who have no compunction exploiting any population. Their hypocrisy knows no limit


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