Ohio man is fasting from food for Lent and will drink only beer – IOTW Report

Ohio man is fasting from food for Lent and will drink only beer

DC: Del Hall, an employee of Fifty West Brewing Company, said that though he has done a four-day water fast, distinguished himself in the Army, and run a marathon, the challenge of consuming only beer and water for the 46 days seems daunting to him. Hall took his cue for this fast from German monks of the 1600s who, during the Christian liturgical season of Lent, consumed only a certain style of relatively nutritious beer until Easter.  READ MORE

12 Comments on Ohio man is fasting from food for Lent and will drink only beer

  1. How many carbs and calories are in a pint of beer? And if the average caloric intake is about 2000 calories a day I’d be drunker than a skunk all thru Lent. No thanks. I looked it up a pint of beer avgs. about 204 calories so ten beers would make approximately 2000 calories, yep, I’d be drunk all thru Lent if I drank that much beer and peeing all the time to boot. Count me out.

  2. I wonder what his pancreas, liver, kidneys, stomach and bowels have to say? Not to mention his breath. This guy is going to have the shits for a long time and a huge Uber bill.

  3. A customer at my bar did this a few years ago. He only drank 3-5 pints of Guinness a day. He also took vitamins and he may have had some kind of broth but no solid food for 40 days. Definitely not for me.

  4. I always heard that beer was more nutritious than soft drinks. I never could acquire the taste for beer, but did enjoy one very ice cold beer after a strenuous work out on a very hot day. But just that once.

    Edit: Dadof4, I didn’t read comments until after I posted. GMTA

  5. 10 pints of beer a day is equal to 160 oz. which is 1 gallon + another quart of beer. YIKES! That’s way too much beer and over the 40 day period of Lent would mean he has to drink 400 pints of beer. I wonder how big of a beer gut he would have at the end of Lent from drinking that much beer. He’d start to look like a customer we called Budweiser Buck back in the day when I worked pumping gas for my dad, ol Budweiser Buck had the biggest beer gut I ever saw on anybody, he’d put away a case of Bud a day like it was water. Of course he also died from a massive heart attack and smoking like a chimney.


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