Ohio: Muslim migrant who plotted jihad terror attack in Texas asks for deportation instead of prison – IOTW Report

Ohio: Muslim migrant who plotted jihad terror attack in Texas asks for deportation instead of prison

GELLER REPORT: He should be deported, but the larger question is why his family was admitted into the United States in the first place. Clearly his family believes in Islam and jihad, and raised him in the same way. He is close to his family and so it is more than likely that his world view and theirs are the same. Why should the United States admit large numbers of people who have nothing but contempt for American infidels and a determination to wage jihad? It’s suicidal. And it has to stop.  keep reading

18 Comments on Ohio: Muslim migrant who plotted jihad terror attack in Texas asks for deportation instead of prison

  1. We should make it a practice to begin using these animals for our medical studies and experiments.
    Unlike rats, we won’t have to worry about the scientists getting attached to them.

  2. Give him a choice. He can be deported back to Somalia but he takes his family with him. His entire family renounces their American Citizenships, gives up their passports and any other US government documentation (drivers licenses and the like), signs binding affidavits affirming they will never seek to restablish American citizenship through the courts or a refugee hearing. Then allow them to liquidate any personal items they can’t take and buy them airline tickets home sending one ICE agent to make sure they get there.
    The other choice is he does the time then gets deported.

  3. Blind him.
    Pull his teeth.
    Cut off his thumbs.
    Sever his achilles tendons.
    Make him the prison whore for 25 cents/shot.
    When he’s earned enough – deport him – along with his family and his lawyer – and whoever signed his entry papers.

    Oh, if feeling really generous, hose him off before deportation.

    izlamo delenda est …

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