Breitbart: Analysts no longer consider Ohio to be a swing state, as its “blue wall” was breached in 2016 by then presidential candidate Donald Trump, as well as many other Republican candidates down-ballot, and has remained so in the 2020 election.
“It’s way off from being the swing state it was several decades ago,” said NBC News contributor David Wasserman, adding that he believes Ohio is no longer a bellwether state that predicts the outcome of a presidential election, reported NBC News.
If Joe Biden takes office in January, the former vice president will be the first candidate to win a presidency without carrying Ohio since 1960.
The report added that many Ohio counties have turned increasingly red since 2012, with only 38 percent of Trumbull County voting Republican in the 2012 presidential election, compared to 54 percent in 2020.
In Jackson County, for example, 59 percent of Republicans voted for Mitt Romney in 2012, while 76 percent voted for Trump in 2020. more
Joe Kraken is sitting but not as president
Way to go O hi O! 👍🇺🇸
Again we are supposed to believe that President Trump didn’t win the election, and Beijing Biden did?
My cat is from Ohio.
“Again we are supposed to believe that President Trump didn’t win the election, and Beijing Biden did?”
The Left never believed that Trump won the election over Hillary or that Bush won the election over Gore, yet both Bush and Trump became President.
Who won the election is who is in office on January 20th and who is not.
It’s really that simple, be ready to deal with it and whatever consequences come with it that will be controlling your life for the next for years.
Now all we have to do in Ohio is remove Boxwine from the governorship and replace him with a true conservative.