Ohio Rep asking all county sheriffs to completely ignore Kasich’s executive order – IOTW Report

Ohio Rep asking all county sheriffs to completely ignore Kasich’s executive order

— A Butler County state lawmaker is asking county sheriffs “to completely ignore” Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s executive order signed Monday to get an update on weaknesses in the state’s gun background-check system.

The order directs the Office of Criminal Justice Services to work with Bureau of Criminal Investigation and Ohio Supreme Court to update a 2015 study that found reporting gaps in the system. Kasich is also asking the state auditor to examine and publish a review of how well the local authorities are reporting the required information.

Failure by local courts and law enforcement to send timely data to the state, which forwards it to National Instant Criminal Background Check System, could mean guns are being purchased by people who are ineligible to do so.

“There is just no excuse for this data not being sent and I can’t figure it out,” Kasich said.

Ohio Rep. Candice Keller, R-Middletown, said the executive order appears to be infringing on a person’s 2nd Amendment rights.

“I am astonished at this action and disappointed that our governor has no seeming knowledge or understanding of our U.S. Constitution, and our right to carry without infringement from government of any type,” Keller said. “I’m asking all county sheriffs to completely ignore this executive order. Executive orders are not a law-making tool. We have an un-infringed right to carry. Executive orders are not a tool to make law. It is only tool to enforce the existing law. That is why it’s called an executive order.”  more here

11 Comments on Ohio Rep asking all county sheriffs to completely ignore Kasich’s executive order

  1. I am confused by her objections. I am a big 2A supporter and have a concealed handgun license. However, I do support laws that prevent certain people, like dishonorably discharged veterans, convicted felons and convicted domestic abusers, from purchasing a firearm. Also, I think the governor is not trying to make new law, he is trying plug holes in support of an existing law.

    After all, it was a faulty reporting system that allowed a criminal to purchase a fire at a gun store which he then used to shoot up a church in Texas. Had those in that reporting chain done their job, that murderer would have been able to obtain a gun so easily.

  2. Her objection is likely that it’s Kasich. The self-serving two-faced idiot son of a mailman.

    “There is just no excuse for this data not being sent and I can’t figure it out,” Kasich said.
    Maybe it’s because she doesn’t trust private data in the hands of a self-serving Deep Stater.

  3. @Richard P. April 25, 2018 at 2:08 pm

    > I am a big 2A supporter and have a concealed handgun license. However, I do support laws that prevent certain people, like dishonorably discharged veterans, convicted felons and convicted domestic abusers, from purchasing a firearm.

    Now, Hillary, stop sock puppetting.

  4. Any merits of the Kasich EO aside, ever since Obarky went crazy with executive orders, we now have democrap and RINO governors issuing EOs left and right with no apparent oversight! Why do we even have legislators? Let’s just elect 50 little kings or queens and eliminate the messy process of passing actual laws!

  5. Kasich’s action is nothing more than a stunt to raise his national profile for another “failed” run for president.

    The laws are on the books for the Courts to provide the information to the state after the conviction, which prevent felons from purchasing and owning firearms.

    More Exec. Orders to create committee meetings, recommendations and reports don’t solve the problem of felons purchasing firearms.

    Enforcement of the present laws for the judiciary reporting convictions to the state and the state forwarding this information to the Federal Government in a timely manner will solve this.

    Why hasn’t the Kasich administration been enforcing and monitoring the present law for the past 8 years?

    Kasich has never backed away from the need for another press conference or TV interview. He’ll be gone soon enough, I hope Dewine shows more sense. Well, I can hope.

  6. Anything involving John Kasich anymore is highly suspect as far as I’m concerned and I voted for the sunovabitch back in 2014 for Governor, but since he pulled his little self-righteous, self-serving stunts in 2016 I’m done with the two-faced bastard!
    John Kasich signed the Republican Loyalty Pledge to support the Republican nominee, who ever it was, and then told us on national television that he would indeed support Donald Trump. We watched him reneg on both promises as well as embarrass himself by asking the Republicans to have their convention in Cleveland and then not even show up. He has demonstrated beyond any doubt that both his signature and his word mean absolutely nothing!
    With his words a man makes covenant and his signature is evidence of his covenant.
    A man is only as good as his word. If a man says he will do something, he does it.
    If a man makes a promise, he keeps it.
    If a man signs his name to a document, he abides by the all rules and statements of the document.
    When a man breaks his word, he breaks all credibility.
    When a man breaks his word, he is a not a man, he is a boy, and should be treated as such.
    Real men know and understand this. A man´s word is the measure of his character and his integrity. John Kasich has neither. He is a vindictive, pathetic liar. He is navel lint. He is a worthless, gutless welch who is in no way qualified to hold public office let alone the public trust! I wouldn’t trust anything that comes outta that mouth of his… period!

  7. The third rail of politics is trying to jack with the 2nd amendment.
    Good job John.
    Rodney Dangerfield got more respect than this Kasich klown. And Kasich thinks he can be a president? He should be grooming Maxine waters for his running mate. Sadly that’s what politics have degenerated too with todays liberal media hyping the ridiculous.


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