The patches he’s wearing are from a known satanist apparel company. One of them reads “against all gods". This is a culture problem. A godless culture of death with no respect for life.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) August 4, 2019
So far this is the only new information on the Dayton shooter, Ohio Board of Elections has his voter registration on file. Party affiliation does not = motive so wait for good reporting before jumping to conclusions but this is real verifiable info from Ohio Board of Elections.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) August 4, 2019
Truth requires us to look deeper at what’s making our nation sick. Without identifying the sickness we only treat symptoms. That might make us feel a little better but ultimately still sick & that sickness will show itself.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) August 4, 2019
We need to remake mental health system & how we parent.
Also appears the Dayton shooter’s mom shared Antifa content on her social media page. I won’t link it for her privacy but I’ve seen a page where she likens the Alt Right to fascism and says "we’ve beat them before, we’ll beat them now". FBI has to be looking at this angle.
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) August 4, 2019
ht/ hot salsa
I had a conversation with Son #1 a couple of weeks ago, where it dawned on me, that if we could replace ALL of the Godless, communist educators (and administrators) with God fearing, capitalist teachers from K through college, we could have most societal problems solved in a generation or two….. SIMPLE!
“Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell
We took God out of the classroom, mothers out of the home, and allowed women to vote which all contributed to pitting the family against itself.
Change my mind.
Notice how decently and responsible the right is about assigning blame, but the left loudly greets every shooting with lies – which can never be retracted enough to offset the initial impression.
Watching the demorats debate and listening to them babble on tv, I’ve concluded that at least half of them have mental problems.
But then, I’m just a deplorable.
“FBI has to be looking at this angle.”
…given the behavior of the FBI in recent years AND the fact that they STILL cover for Democrats, I’d hazard a guess that the only reason the FBI would look into it would be to find any linking evidence and DESTROY it…
This story will disappear quickly. If the guy were a Trump supporter it would drag on for 5 more years.
Evil is not in the gun or knife or weapon. It is in the heart of the evil doer.
@ Crackerbaby: Which is EXACTLY why Lenin said, “Give me the children for four years…”. Goebbels may have said he same thing – and America’s John Dewey shared much the same sentiment about our own “educational” system. Too bad we American parents went so long without suspecting our “educators”. We were lucky – REALLY lucky – with our sons. They went to school before things went bad here in Nolackaloonies and blew off all the propaganda the MT U system tried to instill. And they were able to tune me up too, mired as I was for far too long in libshit…
“We need to remake mental health system & how we parent.”
…the “mental health system” now says it’s child abuse if we DON’T go along with mutilating a young boy if he tries on his mother’s shoes one time.
The “mental health system” now says homosexuality is normal and healthy.
The “mental health system” now says that children who do childlike things like daydream and have short attention spans and get bored listening to the teacher present Revised American History 101 MUST be medicated into compliance.
The “mental health system” now says that President Trump is unstable and Hillary is healthy.”
The “mental health system” doesn’t consider ANY of these Democrat shooters to be ill.
…don’t expect any help from the “mental health system”. It is now part of the PROBLEM.
When you get your sanity from a shrink, the child looks a lot like the father. And those guys have a very high suicide rate…
…They’ll just say Trump’s hateful spoech MADE him crazy, and move on…
I’m With you Crackerbaby no God and we are all just animals. Right and wrong & evil are subjective to different men’s views, too many to imagine. Only God’s views on these are perfect and the only basis for human morality. Love your neighbor, do good into all men, cloth yourself with kindness etc.
…just keep THIS in mind when they start trying to enforce their ‘Reasonable Gun Legislation”…
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
-Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , “The Gulag Archipelago”
Must be the NRA’s fault then, right?
Once the fake news media finds out F.D.R.’s new permanent guest is a satanist AND a democrat, they’ll drop the story faster than Monica Lewinsky’s jawbone.
A swift trial and, if convicted, a public execution following the verdict.
We need to take the threat of left wing terrorist seriously!
The Democrat Party is the largest, best-funded and best-organized hate-mongering terrorist organization in the world!
we know why he did it.
he wrote it right in his manifesto.
he did it because of illegal immigration.
Illegal immigration is the cause of this.
his own manifesto says so.
all other claims about why this happened are bogus.
…different shooter, @cletus…
party affiliation does not equal guilt, don’t jump to conclusions they’re saying of course that’s what they’re saying
Against God is the problem
Supernightshade, very rational thinking–(((they))) don’t want that. Look at more reasoning. It is really doom and disaster for America now. The Communists intend to remain in control, just as Stalin did in Russia with death and gulags for 60 million Russians.
“The OTHER “white male” shooting. Question: how did everyone’s shoes end up in a pile in the parking lot?
Supposedly, everyone left their shoes behind while fleeing, in a pile, in the parking lot. What kind of LOW IQ COMMON CORE RETARD thought of THAT? This one pisses me off simply because it is so insultingly STUPID:
[Shoe pic]
“OK, SO – how did that pile of shoes get there so neatly? PLEASE LEAVE YOUR SHOES HERE ON THE WAY OUT, THE SHOOTER COLLECTS THEM AND GIVES THEM TO CHARITY. The police will not take “evidence” and do this with it, THIS PHOTO IS AN ABJECT TEAR JERK SYMPATHY HOAX. This one angers me.
[Very long report with explanations]
OPERATION GLADIO: El Paso and Dayton Targeted with False Flag Mass Shootings to Further Terrorize the American People into Giving Up Their Guns
Posted on August 3, 2019 by State of the Nation
The left closed all of the mental institutions they are running around like crazy, just left democrat run Louisville Kentucky …crazy people are sleeping underneath the bridges two blocks from the main part of the city couples having sex on blankets the police drive by …..Philadelphia under Mayor Rizzo. ….. ( A different time for sure ) cops swept those people up lock them all up cleaned up the garbage and put them in the nut house where they belong …. as you know I am describing every major democrat run city !, it’s going to come to an end some day and it ain’t going to be pretty 😎🇺🇸
Oh, so predictable. Now “they” don’t want any conclusion jumping? He’s one of theirs.
I’m looking at you hollyweird…
godlessness: godless practice, godless belief, godless teachings, & godless living – begets godless behavior, like, mass shootings.
WHY do the godless, THEN act surprised? 😳
Dissent can be done by questioning official narratives. The “guilty as sin” FBI (KGB) has decided that is a criminal thing to do so. So getting the truth out ASAP is always imperative while it can be done..
(Liberal Left=Communist=Criminals in government)
Five simple questions that blow apart the official fake news narrative about the El Paso Wal-Mart shooting
Saturday, August 03, 2019 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) The official news narrative about the El Paso WalMart mass shooting is largely fabricated. Even though the violence was real, and people were really shot and killed, the narrative surrounding the tragedy is almost all fiction.
Five huge questions are screaming out for real answers:
#1) If there’s only one shooter, why did so many eyewitnesses report multiple shooters at the scene?
#2) Why did the local police arrest and hold three suspects in custody, as was widely reported by the media before the story was changed to a “lone shooter?”
#3) Why does the so-called “manifesto” appear to be written by someone far older than 21 years of age? (Answer: The manifesto is a hoax. It was not written by the individual who was arrested as the shooter.)
#4) How does one man kill 20 people and wound another 30 people with a single magazine that only holds 30 rounds? The surveillance photo shows no chest rig, no battle belt and no spare magazines.
#5) If the shooter is on a suicide mission, why does he bother to wear both eye protection and ear protection? Answer: Because he knows he will survive his “mission” and be taken into custody after surrendering to police. It wasn’t a suicide mission at all. Eighteen months from now, the world will have forgotten the name of the shooter, and the media will never report anything about him again. (He will likely be relocated under the witness protection program, living under a new identity after having completed his “mission” for the deep state.)
“In summary, the official narrative doesn’t add up. In fact, it’s all a “staged violence” event which combines real violence with a fake narrative to achieve a specific political purpose. In this case, the goal is the complete disarmament of the American people, blaming Trump for everything and positioning illegals as “victims” of a mass shooting when, in reality, it was Americans who were actually shot.
Watch this exclusive Brighteon video for more:”
To add to the “WTF factor” – the NYPost reports that the murderer’s sister and her boyfriend were among the nine he killed.
You suppose that might have something to do with his motive? I understand that anybody that shit-house rat crazy violent doesn’t need a motive that’s at all rational.
I’m looking at the photo and I notice that dude has enough space between his eyes for another set of eyes.
Something ain’t clean in the milk on
ALL of these maniac gun killings…
The newsies, hoping for that impossible to find
white, conservative, Christian, heterosexual mass
murderer to drool about, instead trip over two of
their own….again.
Cuckboy killed his sister spraying bullets from his 100 round drum. I wonder what his liberal momma thinks about that? 68 shots fired in 30 seconds before the police blew his brains out. Any magazine over 5 rounds needs outlawed.
author Zamira Rahim for “The Independent”
sounds at least Arab, part of the Islamo-Leftist alliance
This is who is spreading the filth, picked up by Yahoo who is also fake news
Belief in God and Jesus as the savior will heal all mental illness, except maybe what’s caused by drugs.
When Americans believe the liars for lack of truth, they will believe anything they are told. There have been so many staged shootings and bombings accompanied by false reporting it is moronic to keep believing the official lies.
Boston Bombing: What You Aren’t Being Told
[Comment posted on this video by
Laurence Smith]
4 years ago
“When you have a govt that is bent on infringing on your freedoms and rights it isn’t that hard to understand that the same govt will do things purposely or allow things to happen to impose more restrictions and laws on people. The Homeland Security document was written months in advance of 9/11 and then officially shown 1 1/2 months later. Real American patriots now need to question everything that looks halfway suspicious. ”
The Boston Marathon Bombing After Four Years
Paul Craig Roberts
“Today, April 15, 2017, is the fourth anniversary of the Boston Marathon Bombing, a hoax event performed by crisis actors and tell-tale bright red Hollywood blood. Sheila Casey has done a good job of exposing the hoax just by using the time line and photos of the event. [– no longer available]
A number of agencies run training programs in which amputees working as crisis actors have a prosthesis afixed to resemble a bone as a remaining piece of a leg or arm. Casey examines the Boston event by timeline. First the crisis actors are assembled. Then the prosthesis is attached. Then the blood appears.”
“Sheila Casey walks you through the hoax. I am convinced that the only victims of the Boston Marathon bombing were the framed Tsarnaev brothers. The older brother was murdered in captivity. The younger brother was also supposed to be killed in the alleged shoot-out with the police, but the operation was botched. The younger brother survived a second episode of police shooting. He was taken into custody, held incommunicato, and assigned an attorney who participated in his conviction. ”
FBI Evidence Proves Innocence of Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
August 17, 2015
Thanks Ms. Crabtree.
What if it turns out the sister and boyfriend were Trump supporters and recently attended the rally in Cincinnati…what would the media say then?
(I’ve been avoiding my FB page this weekend but I looked and the TDS afflicted are raging as I expected them to be. Ugh.)
Like nondairy creamer I know what it isn’t but don’t have a clue what it is. Values are not a millennial’s strong point. Wag the dog? Divert, deride, & distract from some other possible scheme crumbling evidence? With all the crap I’ve seen in the last few years I have little faith in big law enforcement now-a-days. please let it be just a nut job …
So, is it then a highly probable fact that the shooter was either a satanist or at least into the occult?
That would explain why he did what he did. Of course if that is in fact the case, then forget about the media reporting it.
Christianity BAD and pagan GOOD, remember?
Satan loving Warren supporter
There is a coterie of people huddled in some meeting room at harvard, very proud of themselves: “We did it!”
Where did Mueller go??