Ohio Takes Down Largest Child Trafficking Ring in History: ‘We Are Coming After You” – IOTW Report

Ohio Takes Down Largest Child Trafficking Ring in History: ‘We Are Coming After You”

Neon Nettle:

Ohio has just taken down the largest child sex trafficking ring in history, the state’s Attorney General Dave Yost has announced.

“Operation Ohio Knows” is a joint task force combining the efforts of federal, state, and local law enforcement officers, along with social service partners.

AG Yost announced the results of the huge operation, revealing that 161 arrests were made during raids that also rescued ten children.

Most of those arrested were caught trying to rape sex-trafficked children, Yost confirmed.

It was the largest human trafficking bust in Ohio’s history, according to Yost.

Among those arrested were a Democrat politician and several wealthy elites, the attorney general revealed. more

18 Comments on Ohio Takes Down Largest Child Trafficking Ring in History: ‘We Are Coming After You”

  1. “Among those arrested were a Democrat politician and several wealthy elites, the attorney general revealed”
    Any FedGov employees or politicians in the bunch?

  2. Λ sεχ τrαffιcκιηg rιηg τhιs bιg, ρεορlε mυsτ hανε αlrεαδγ κηοωη sοmετhιηg αbουτ ιτ. Τhεγ οηlγ mονεδ ηοω bεcαυsε τhεγ fουηδ ουτ τhατ τhε ρεrρs ωεrε rεfυsιηg το ωεαr mαsκs.

  3. @Anonymous, I’ll tell where the husk is tonight. He is in his basement in Delaware, eating ice cream & telling the good Dr. Jill that everyone wants to have sex with him because he keeps hearing people say “fuck Joe Biden”. Dr. Jill doesn’t have the heart to tell him what it really means.

  4. Little fish always leads to bigger fish. Now go after known and longtime pedophile Joe Biden, 3-letter fed agencies, judges, democrat party, RINOs, and anyone else on that soon-to-be-displayed list of the Epstein-Maxwell participants of child trafficking and raype pedophiles.

  5. Confused,
    No, not the Feds. They are too busy persecuting parents who want their kids’ education to be education, not indoctrination – and pinning spurious prosecutions on conservatives – and chasing garage-door ropes.

    izlamo delenda est …

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