OHIO: ‘Women For Trump’ Release Ad for Christina Hagan – IOTW Report

OHIO: ‘Women For Trump’ Release Ad for Christina Hagan

Breitbart: The organization “Women For Trump” is releasing their newest ad campaign for Ohio’s 16th District congressional candidate Christina Hagan, calling her “a strong supporter of President Trump.”

The ad campaign will air in the 16th District of Ohio just ahead of the Republican primary, where Hagan is running against the GOP establishment-backed candidate Anthony Gonzalez, who has the endorsements of Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL).

“Anthony Gonzalez is backed by the Republican Party establishment and he just moved [to Ohio] from San Fransisco,” the Women For Trump ad states of Gonzalez’s connections to the establishment wing of the GOP.

“Gonzalez is the swamp’s choice,” the ad continues.

Hagan, the ad continues, has been endorsed by the anti-establishment, pro-Trump wing of the GOP, receiving support from the Freedom Caucus, the National Rifle Association (NRA), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), and Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC).

“Conservative Christina Hagan, Women For Trump’s choice for Congress,” the ad finishes.

In an interview with Breitbart News, Hagan slammed mass legal and illegal immigration, saying she wants to see the Republican-controlled Congress do more to follow through on Trump’s pro-American immigration agenda that would reduce legal immigration levels to raise the wages of American workers. MORE

9 Comments on OHIO: ‘Women For Trump’ Release Ad for Christina Hagan

  1. We have been bombarded by literature for Gonzalez. 3-4 times a week mailings and the same for phone messages. He is spending a massive amount of money and claims to support the Presiden’t agenda. I expect he supports it up until the minute he is sworn in. Hagan has no where near the money and I hope she wins. Her problem is name recognition. Hagan is name long associated with the far left Demorats in NE Ohio. She is not a part of that family.

  2. @Eugenia — Are there any opportunities for you and your family/friends to do phone calling or door knocking for Hagan? This is exactly why we all need to be involved on a personal basis. I’m going to find out if we can do calling on her behalf — remotely, from our state. I think volunteers who are passionate are far more effective talking to others than paid campaign people who really don’t understand what is at stake.

  3. But, but,…. Gonzalez is an heir of the royal family, a member of the ruling elite. It was time we gave him a new territory to rule. Can’t you see what wonderful ruling principles he learned in Calif. and how he can help your primo governor repeat the same success in Ohio?

  4. Here is Christina Hagan’s campaign website. I’ve signed up to volunteer. Please consider donating and/or volunteering, too! We need another conservative win to get POTUS Trump’s agenda through. We’ll only have six more years do it all!

  5. Gee, the GOP Establishment is liberal? Here the last 28 years I thought they were progressive! Gonzalez is a GWB guy for you young uns! Cant get more progressive than that!

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