OIG Catches More EPA Employees Watching Porn On The Job – IOTW Report

OIG Catches More EPA Employees Watching Porn On The Job


[…] Another EPA employee was caught watching pornography on his computer by a child on “Bring Your Daughters To Work Day” at the agency, it was reported in 2016.  STORY

12 Comments on OIG Catches More EPA Employees Watching Porn On The Job

  1. …honestly, I PREFER Government employees sit around watching porn to what they USUALLY do, which is to figure out ways to take money from me, complicate my life, divert funds to Democrats, and figure out new ways to defy the President…

  2. Efficiency is frowned upon among federal employees and generally things move along at a snails pace. That translates into employees with lots of idle time and why some drift into porn and who knows what else. You’d think there’d be some kind of limited access or blocking software programs on all government computer workstations.
    I imagine the tech support people are busy removing viruses constantly.
    Likely the only people there that actually put in a full days work.

  3. Ummmmm….epa? yet another alphabet agency that needs to be shut down.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. “… More EPA Employees Watching Porn …”
    More than what, exactly?
    More than State Department?
    More than Dept. of Education?
    More than Dept. of Defense?
    More than Dept. of Energy?
    More than formerly caught?
    Or caught the same ones watching Porn again?

    And what’s wrong with watching porn?
    It’s an art form, now, isn’t it?

    Considering that when they’re NOT watching porn they’re out fucking shit up, the more they watch the safer we are.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. MJA MAY 31, 2019 AT 9:01 AM
    “Why are so many of them looking at underaged porn???”

    ..it’s a rite of passage for Democrats, a way to seal the omerta by having a crime to hold over THEM if they do not remain silent about the BIG boss’s crimes, or if they refuse to do Deep State bidding however illegal it may be…no lookie, no jobbie, and there are a LOT of Government flunkies with big ambitions and no standards…

  6. it’s no so much that career bureaucrat unelected unaccountable EPA chair-moisteners are watching obscene porn.

    It’s the fact that the redundant, unneeded, over-funded, unnecessary EPA exists at all that is OBSCENE.

    The creation of the EPA was the RINO Dick Nixon’s ass-kissing attempt to suck up to the Left. Total idiot.

    Did y’all know that Dick and his wife Pat were New Dealer bureaucrats working in Frank Roosevelt’s Socialist Gummint before WWII? True Story!


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