Oil-Rich Venezuela Now Doesn’t Have Enough Fuel to Grow Crops – IOTW Report

Oil-Rich Venezuela Now Doesn’t Have Enough Fuel to Grow Crops

Bongino: Under Venezuelan socialism, things can (and will) always get worse.

Despite having the largest proven oil reserves in the world, Venezuela is now down do their last oil rig – literally.

While the nation had 120 active rigs at their zenith, the number of active rigs had collapsed to around 20 by last year – and down to one today. more

11 Comments on Oil-Rich Venezuela Now Doesn’t Have Enough Fuel to Grow Crops

  1. The people need to arm themselves and take back their country, oh that’s right they were disarmed, nevermind. The government will keep you safe, no one needs a gun.

  2. @CC — Don’t look now, but they ARE doing socialism right.

    If you look at how socialism actually functions (so to speak) instead of how socialism is claimed to function, Venezuela and its people can be in no condition other than the condition they have made for themselves.

    This is what happens when ideologues embark on the impossible task to remake human nature because they don’t like people very much.

  3. Seeing as how they all believe in Global warming, let’s trade them two thousand acres of prime beach property in Antarctica to give up their six blocks


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