Okay, This Rates FOUR WTFs? – IOTW Report

Okay, This Rates FOUR WTFs?

25 Comments on Okay, This Rates FOUR WTFs?

  1. Yeah, not sure. The angle makes it very hard to tell where the swing is in relationship to the balcony. If it is as it appears, I would give it 5 WTFs.

  2. I think the railing is lined with Velcro which should catch the diaper as the child is teetering on the rail.

    The safety of the child has been proven on the CDC computer models.

  3. If I lived in that shithole I too would swing a sack of potatoes with mock legs and arms.

    Anyway, I think the whole thing is contained within the balcony. Notice how the swing goes BELOW the railing. That said, it COULD extend up and outward or the kid could jump, but the vantage point is not sufficient to make the accusation.

  4. grool MAY 18, 2020 AT 2:22 PM
    “Old fashioned porch swing hooks, driven into the ceiling. Still, that takes guts.”

    …they’ll be plenty of guts if that kid ejects to the ground, anything over 4 stories you hit terminal velocity so it might as well be 400 stories, and stuff squirts out of people like dropping a rotten, fleshy, inteststine-filled cantalope from that high, not to mention how the bones break and protrude like old hens spearing Hispanic workers at the chicken slaughter plants…

  5. SNS, yep, wish I hadn’t but I’ve seen what “hydrostatic overpressure” does to head, torso, and extremities when body meets concrete at a high rate of speed.


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