Okay, Cutting Through the Crap Cake and What Tonight Means – IOTW Report

Okay, Cutting Through the Crap Cake and What Tonight Means

The right has lost the house to the left.

The left is going to try and make Trump’s life a living hell. Committee after committee are going to issue subpoenas, investigations and hearings, all designed to hamstring Trump progress, frustrate him and sap his strength.

Buckle up. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

I think the first move Trump should make is to fire Sessions and install a pit bull.

Now, more than ever, he must surround himself with loyal people who have the instincts to fight.

The second move? I don’t know. You tell me.

45 Comments on Okay, Cutting Through the Crap Cake and What Tonight Means

  1. My God.
    Maxine Freaking Waters is Chair of the House Financial Services Committee.
    Banks. Housing. Wall Street.
    Big important stuff.
    She’s been voted most corrupt Congressman.
    Four times.
    This is INSANE.

  2. The good news is that there are at least 4 GOP net pickups in the Senate so far. So, packing the federal courts with good conservative judges should be a cinch unless Romney & some pals decide to be never-Trump cunts about it.

    The House will endlessly try to railroad Trump, but will get nowhere with it. No bill worth a shit will pass through congress, and there will be budget hassles every year. That cunt Maxine Waters will be hassling Wall St. banks, but not to make them better but just to make her richer.

    Trump will have to do more things with EOs which isn’t good because that’s not law.

  3. second move: let the House issue subpoena after subpoena … ignore them … the House has no real power … Ryan demonstrated this … thanks WussPaul … use any & ever bit of bad news, economic or other wise, & say it’s all their fault that the country is in such a mess … any crime, any murder, any rape, anything … pin it on the House

    rinse, repeat … ride it ’till 2020

  4. I’ll tell you what it means, it means Trump did a great job on the campaign trail but he fucked up by not making public the FISA documents and by tolerating a no good, slow talking shithead in Jeff Sessions. Another thing, our MSM needs to have their heads handed to them.

  5. Step one: eliminate Soros & co. Clintoncide would work well enough for me.

    Step two: Allow the Democrat Party to have as much rope as they need to hang themselves over the next two years.

    Trump isn’t going to give up to a bunch of pansy-assed leftists, so why should we?

  6. Copied from another thread. Long night.

    Pump the fucking brakes. This is not an ideal situation in my mind. But there’s a lot of big thinkers that think the Libtards taking the House is optimal. They will attack Trump unsuccessfully on several fronts. “Peach 45”. Shifty, Pelosi, Maxi Pad, etc. Foaming at the mouth for two years. Getting no where. With no message. What does the 2020 election cycle look like? Petty obstructionist. How will the continued violence look? Interesting things coming. What’s their platform? Hate the guy that can run the economy? Trump got some strategic wins tonight. He saved Florida. And he saved Cruz’s ass.

  7. I’ll tell you what else this shows. We either have to restrict the right to vote from welfare, AFDC, and free healthcare recipients, or those of us that are either taxpayers or were taxpayers for our working careers are going to be so outnumbered that we will continue to lose ground to the deadbeats and freeloaders. We can’t continue to believe that we can campaign against Santa Clause and win.

  8. I was surprised to see the House turn blue (well, probably), but I guess support for the president doesn’t necessarily translate to support for your local rep.
    Trump has a variety of things he wants to accomplish, and losing the House means he can’t do some of those things but there are plenty of things he can still do as head of the Executive Branch. He can build the wall with DoD money. More judges of course, and he can write EOs that will go through the courts to change law, birthright being an excellent example. Meanwhile the economy will continue to prosper, although not as much as if he were able to get a stronger tax bill passed or remove some regulatory tape.

    And I agree with Brad, having Dems running the House will be a huge negative if they try to take the actions they say they are going to take.

  9. It is possible that they can impeach DJT – the impeachment occurs in the house (similar to an indictment) but the trial takes place in the senate. Bill Clinton was impeached, but he was not found guilty and remained in office. It is possible they could do the same thing to President Trump.

    I think Pelosi (even though she is insane) realizes that impeaching Trump would cause the dims a lot more harm than good. I don’t think the majority of the electorate would respond favorably in 2020 and beyond to “impeaching 45” when there is no valid basis to do so.

    Although the impeachment did “stain” Clinton (pun intended) to some extent, I think it would have the opposite effect if they try it on DJT. Clinton committed perjury and obstructed justice by all legal standards – the only reason they would impeach Trump is malignant hate for him which I don’t think would sit well with most Americans.

  10. Bad-Brad and Vietvet, after you’re done giving each other reach arounds look at Bubba’s Brother’s statement. But I believe that it will stain Trump completely and will render him a pariah to many voters.

  11. Bubba’s Brother

    He’s safe. And dreaming up a torturous 2 years for Nancy, Miss Face Contortionist 2018, Pelosi. Quite frankly if you’re going to get pissed, get pissed at our electorate. If your sending your kid to college right now, pull them out. We have a lot of work to do.

  12. What this means is that the Republican held congress needs to GET BACK TO WORK tomorrow morning to triage everything that is salvagable before 1/20/19.

    First call I’m making tomorrow morning is to Paul Ryan’s office.

  13. Get Sessions the hell out of there and start inditing democrat House members for real, not imaginary, crimes. Prosecute the hell out of them and that will keep them plenty busy.

  14. AA, not to take any wind from your sails but will calling Paul Ryan do? That asshole is dancing a jig right now. How about calling Huber in Utah or that no good SOB Sessions? If I thought I’d get to talk to anyone worth while I would call too.

  15. @Bad_Brad (at 12:31 am): Wouldn’t it be fun to see them put Pelosi back in as Mis-Speaker of the House and watch her go all senile dementia in Congressional hearings from now until 2020 (or whenever they finally cart her butt off to assisted living)? I’d pay good money to see that sideshow.

  16. Vietvet

    Not a good visual. Especially with Maxi Pad screaming Peach 45 in the back ground. We need to cut off all Federal funding to these institutions of higher indoctrination that are turning our kids into Socialists. That a major problem

  17. I hope the dems go apeshit and show the country how nuts they are. Get rid of Sessions – the guy lost his job when he recused himself. The biggest question is why did all those reps retire? I think, at least some were blackmailed. It’s obvious that it was a coordinated effort.

  18. I agree Sessions should be told first thing in the morning either he resigns or he’s fired, the choice is his.
    Then he needs to declassify. This should have already been done.
    Then he needs to tell ol’ Rod to get his ass to the House and testify under oath. Then when he’s done testifying he should be told the same thing as Sessions.
    Then he needs to find people who are not part of D.C. to put in Sessions and Rod’s positions and he needs to order all traitors and scum in the FBI and DOJ are to be fired immediately.
    Then he needs to tell all the piece of shit RINOs in the house they best fund the damn wall, end birthright citizenship and give him the money to deport every last illegal in this damn country. If they don’t then he’s going to open up their closets.
    He needs to tell Iowa to say goodbye to their ethanol subsidies.

    If none of this starts happening then I give up. I’m sick and tired of working my ass off and doing the right thing while all of these piece of shit voters in this country who live off the government in some form or the other go out and vote for the scums of the earth. What time I have left on this earth will be figuring out to live off the government and take every damn thing I can like the rest of the leeches. We might as well join all of them and speed up the collapse of this country. I can survive when it happens, I know how to feed myself off the land. That way the sooner the idiots die off the sooner we can start rebuilding this country.

    Sorry folks I can’t continue doing this shit every two years, what the hell is the purpose? We obviously have too many ignorant people in this country.

  19. Trump gave his all in this election and losing the house spells nothing good. Gridlock, continued wild spending with no budget passing and Clinton and others getting off the hook.
    This may surprise many but don’t be shocked if Trump doesn’t run for a second term.
    The country as we knew it is gone forever and it’s just a question of how long the remains continue to smolder.

  20. I realize what I’ve said is depressing and negative but I’m not looking at the election results so much as I’m looking at the indicators these results tell us about the future. An example to think about is just how close some of these races were when one of the candidates were clearly extremist, see Arizona senate, Georgia governor, etc.
    This doesn’t bode well for our republic.

  21. GB a lot of these Dems I know of were brought up by Depression-era Dems who drummed it into them and they are completely inflexible at this point in their old age. I know one very well who spouts words heard on CNN like Tribalism and disparages Christian anything. Completely pathetic but one said to me “I don’t have a big problem with the border” LOL that’s as far as a compliment POTUS will ever get from them. They are nasty and tend to project their faults back at us. Maybe they will be secret POTUS voters. Stay positive!

  22. ‘Peachment is a given.
    The Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth is begun.
    Corruption will rocket into the Stratosphere.
    Everything that isn’t tied down will be stolen.
    The Media will go off the rails – intensifying the lies and confusion.
    (They have amply displayed what a corrupt media can do)

    President Trump will come out swinging; but with a corrupt FBI and compromised DoJ he will (mostly) be shadowboxing.

    Impeachment will pass. The Senate will NOT convict (same shit as Clinton).

    The lurch towards totalitarianism will have increased momentum and it will become apparent that the only way to stop it is to STOP it.

    The Wall will NOT be built.
    ObolaCare (nationalized/socialized medicine) will be pushed with renewed vigor and the feckless RINOs will jump on the bandwagon – they will continue the lie of “insuring” pre-existing conditions and the ignorant masses of clapping seals will scream their assent, little realizing that they’re cutting their own throats.

    The catastrophic imbecility of this election cannot be overstated.
    (buy ammo, metals, and cigars)

    izlamo delenda est …

  23. RINOs start talking again about repealing ObamaCare in 3..2..1 when it obviously doesn’t matter. THEY’RE a huge part of the problem. At least the dems don’t lie about wanting to take the country down.

    I wrote a long post just now but deleted most of it because IT.JUST.DOESN’T.MATTER. I don’t think there are enough patriots to stop the final decline.

  24. GB
    I’ll bey you a BUCK that our VSGPDT is not one bit surprised that “his incredible accomplishments weren’t more appreciated by the entire nation” . He probably saw these Mid Term Results coming YEARS before he rode down his escalator and announced that he was going to trounce 16 other “Republican” candidates for the nomination.
    Our Donald is an America Loving Pit Bull !! Just keep praying for him.

  25. GB
    I’ll bey you a BUCK that our VSGPDT is not one bit surprised that “his incredible accomplishments weren’t more appreciated by the entire nation” . He probably saw these Mid Term Results coming YEARS before he rode down his escalator and announced that he was going to trounce 16 other “Republican” candidates for the nomination.

    Our Donald is an America Loving Pit Bull !!

    Just keep praying for him.

  26. It’s a handful of crazies. But the other dems still have to play along with the crazies, and those crazies may be too much for them to vote with.
    Do you think Occasional Cortex is going to be quiet? She’s going to be writing bills such as, “The Don’t step on the sidewalk cracks, because ants use those as highways Act.” And, “The make mathematics easier Act.”
    She and several others are just gonna stand around big eyes and giggle. It’s almost like the Dems LOST seats with their wins. LOL.

  27. I thought maybe things would look brighter this morning, but they don’t. Too many people voted for gridlock, impeachment, against men, believe all women, mob rule, crazy, socialism, open borders, America the new third world country, everything immoral, anti-God.
    There is no fixing that. The country is too far gone and it’s going to fall farther.
    Even all of the conservative, intelligent folks watch their kids and grandkids go off to public school and universities knowing the kids are being indoctrinated. They all have their excuses, we can’t afford to send them to private school or stay home and homeschool them. It’s so important for them to get a college degree to hell with if that degree is a useless piece of paper that they can’t use to get a job to support themselves. It will make them be good social justice warriors though.
    It’s in the red states, look at how Kansas voted, look how close elections were in Texas and Oklahoma, the two reddest states, both states also flipped a house seat from Red to blue.


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