Okay, I am laughing like a loon – IOTW Report

Okay, I am laughing like a loon

Jerry Manderin sent this to me. It is Sally Struthers’ Fitness Walk from 1989.

He just said “lol.”

I watched, I was amused… until.

I think I know Manderin enough to know why he sent this. Sally Struthers is the name, but the star of the tape is some creepy dude named David.

When I got to that part I laughed, and laughed some more. And as it got creepier it got funnier.

54 Comments on Okay, I am laughing like a loon

  1. I don’t understand what I did to get BFH pissed off enough to subject me to THAT but I promise never to do it again. Just tell me what I did. Please. I’m begging you.

  2. OK, I’m gonna take a day or 2 break from IOTW until that pic scrolls far enough down that I don’t have to see it unless I’m going back…o…say 3-400 pages……….

  3. Yea, that’s the old Power Walking routine. Remember back ten years and seeing all the power walkers doing their worthless shit. Hilarious. There’s a reason that shit faded away.
    I think I read here that MJA was a Power Walker. LOL

  4. The old joke on the interwebs was putting “meatspin” into a fake link.

    You hit the supposedly innocent link and got “meatspin”. It counted how many revolutions you watched.

    The interwebs has always been full of assholes… and spinning meat.

  5. MJA

    That’s too damn funny. But a hell of a lot better than your average white person power walking down the boulevard. Perfectly straight back, just digging with those legs and rotating that often time huge ass. Driving to work and home, was punishing. I actually never realized Power Walking has finally died until this post. Join a gym swivel hips.

  6. Ok, it was 1989. When they say “who wears short, shorts, they weren’t exactly wanting to talk about MEN but that is what they wore back then LOL! Very funny to watch and yes, a rather creepy LOL!

    I will say I have walked more than you can imagine working in Manhattan for 35 years!! I would walk at least 2 miles a day. BUT I like to walk and it really helps with your circulation and stretching the body. I don’t mean casual walking. I can usually do 1 mile in 17 minutes. I had to do that time in order to catch my train at Grand Central Station everyday!!

    The video was funny but I love to walk. Hell it’s better than jogging which I never understood the fascination for. Giggling all your body parts. Make no sense.

    God Bless us all!

  7. Thought the guy in the pic had a snub-nosed .38 in his pants. You might ask who would do this?, but there was a guy in a town near me who you would see doing the power walk for years! Now I know how he got started.


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