Okay, this is a little gay – IOTW Report

Okay, this is a little gay

Maybe Madison Cawthorn has an explanation-



25 Comments on Okay, this is a little gay

  1. Ok, so he’s gay.
    He’s still 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times more patriotic and reliable than most of the shit of the GOP.

  2. I picked up bad vibes from this guy early on. He’s like half a click off on everything he does. I hope I’m wrong but that right there is some weird shit. If you want to grab my sack you better have breasts. That are capable of lactating.

  3. Who knows, checking the gyros on the guidance system may be nothing more than an enemy induced distraction for the benefit of a political advantage.

    The confusion of normal vs. weird seems to be paramount for our detractors.

  4. @Benito ~ getting wood doesn’t require nerve cells as much as blood cells, that’s why Viagra was first developed as a low blood pressure medication … yep, even Christopher Reeve could get a chubby
    (a wheelychubby? … I’m going to Hell for that; forgive me Lord)

    & it looks like Cawthorn is homo … & it’s obvious someone’s out to get him

    if it was the only choice I had, I’d still vote him over a D’rat

  5. @Bob ~ how about a little ‘happy’?

    he ain’t ‘gay’ … he seems to be a homosexual. start taking the language back!

    example: they’re not ‘migrants’. they’re not going to ‘migrate’ here & then ‘migrate’ somewhere else … better to describe them as ‘permanents’ … even better, D’rat voters …. betterest … ILLEGAL ALIENS!

  6. I’m with Beachmom. He’s 26 years old! 26 is the new 18 in our present society. His cranium has barely knit together. This occurs, generally speaking, around the mid to late ’20’s.

    “The most important brain area to become fully “wired up” in adulthood is the prefrontal cortex — the front portion of the frontal lobe. This area handles many of our higher-level cognitive abilities such as planning, solving problems, and making decisions. It is also important for cognitive control — the ability to suppress impulses in favor of more appropriate actions. The adult brain is better wired for cognitive control compared to the adolescent brain, which is more influenced by emotions, rewards, and social acceptance when it comes to making decisions.”

    BrainFacts.org – https://www.brainfacts.org/Thinking-Sensing-and-Behaving/Aging/2018/When-the-Brain-Starts-Adulting-112018

    Most wives and mothers of boys know this and we suspect it occurs to some degree in men througout their lives.

  7. He is gay AF. The way those purses come flying out of his mouth when he talks when he is not in front of a group of people, the other guy’s hand on his d*ck and the name Madison sure doesn’t help either. I hate Wikipedia but there are many troubling things about this guy on his Wikipedia page (political hit job??). He bears close watching like all republican politicians.

  8. That’s from midastouch, a far left cesspool propaganda outlet.
    They take things out of context, and even caught in the past making stuff up. There has to be some explanation of this.
    Plus, the left is attacking him for allegedly being what they pretend to support.
    Their double standards are showing.


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