O’Keefe Infiltrates The New York Times – The Paper of Record (as long as it helps the left) – IOTW Report

O’Keefe Infiltrates The New York Times – The Paper of Record (as long as it helps the left)

14 Comments on O’Keefe Infiltrates The New York Times – The Paper of Record (as long as it helps the left)

  1. These shit heels like this whats his name…Dick Douchshit? At The New York Slimes…. Will be so surprised to find that indeed Donald Trump cares more for the country than he does for the threats they may make against his businesses.

  2. What’s stunning about this video is the unbelievable level of immaturity of this idiot. That the NYT would hire someone with so little professionalism (or a rudimentary … like … grasp of the … like … f*cking English …. like … language) doesn’t say much for the so-called “paper of record.”

    Journalism is dead.

  3. Anybody know where I can buy a new a fuse for my Bullsh*t Detector? The meter pegged out and it started smoking right after Dudich began talking, and I tried to unplug it but it was too late.

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