O’Keefe Speaks – IOTW Report

O’Keefe Speaks

10 Comments on O’Keefe Speaks

  1. He’s Andrew level in terms of how much our side needs people like them.

    PV is going to do a big swirly without him.

    As an aside, funny how the commies don’t have anything similar isn’t it? Just AHs like AOC, Maddow & Shiff et.al. spouting unprovable lies.

  2. PV is going to do a big swirly without him.

    Yup and Pfizer will be doing the Snoopy dance as a result.
    I’ll bet a good steak dinner that those board members got well paid off!
    Anybody got a list of these scumbags? The public should know that Judas is back in town and that their presense on any board is a threat!

  3. I remember him dressed up like a pimp and trying to get federal money for a brothel for him to import underaged girls back when Glenn Beck had his afternoon show on Fox News.


    Name the liberal Press that created “BIG PHARMA 10/22

    part D


    22 years ago there was no BIG PHARMA!

    Eleting leftists has bad results – for working Americans.


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