Okey Doke from Muskogeedoke – IOTW Report

Okey Doke from Muskogeedoke

Hope n Change: While it’s Donald Trump’s blunt candor which has been generating news stories throughout this election season, Barack Obama jumped back into the erudition spotlight recently with a devastatingly brutal condemnation of current political rhetoric. Specifically, the World’s Most Eloquent President told a crowd in Elkhart, Indiana: “Don’t fall for the okey-doke.”

The halls of History already ring with many a lesser phrase. “Four score and seven years ago,” “Give me liberty or give me death,” “Ask not what your country can do for you,” “I have been to the mountaintop,” and “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” all fall by the wayside when compared to Mr. Obama’s brilliantly galvanizing insight.  MORE

15 Comments on Okey Doke from Muskogeedoke

  1. URBAN DICTIONARY: okie doke

    -A joke played on someone. Someone getting played for a fool.

    -Also, someone who is fake or is a joke.

    “I felt like a dumbass when that nigga hit me with the okie doke.”

    “I keep it real homeboy. I ain’t no okie doke.”

  2. I said “Okie-doke” cuz the teleprompter went down and I … uhh … uhh … couldn’t … uhh … uhh … y’know … say … uhh … “bullshit.”

    Cuz it jus ain’t Preznicatious to say … y’know … bullshit.

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