Oklahoma Sheriffs: We Will Not Enforce Pistol Brace Rule – IOTW Report

Oklahoma Sheriffs: We Will Not Enforce Pistol Brace Rule

Breitbart: At least three Oklahoma sheriffs have posted videos and/or notices on their Facebook pages to let the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) know they have no intention of enforcing the pistol brace rule in non-criminal situations.

On January 25, 2023, Oklahoma County Sheriff Tommie Johnson III posted a video to Facebook in which he made it clear he has instructed his deputies not to enforce the rule “in a low-level incidental contact” with someone who is in possession of a pistol with a stabilizer brace.

Sheriff Johnson said, “In other words, if a deputy encounters someone with a pistol equipped with a stabilizer brace they will take no action against that person, unless that person is using the weapon in the commission of a crime.” MORE

20 Comments on Oklahoma Sheriffs: We Will Not Enforce Pistol Brace Rule

  1. The ATF has done more harm to the American people than good. It’s agents are among the worst employees in the federal government. They should be driven out of existence.

  2. Aaaaaannnnd you can bet yer bottom dollar that in blue states and cities it won’t put a dent in rising crime rates one iota and in red states and cities that will not enforce such laws it will be a non-factor as well! Useless as tits on a bore hog… like most demcRATz!!

  3. I question the wisdom of posting this info on Social Media. I can’t think of one NorCal county that’s enforcing these “RULES”. But they’re not making themselves and their peeps targets.
    But then on the other hand, if all LE that refused to enforce this bull shit were more vocal maybe that would help our cause.

  4. I understand why type of firearms it affects but frankly when I had pistols It would have been my SIG 226 or 1911 IF it was bedside. IF.

    Bullshit rules to try and discourage ownership.

  5. “What is the point of banning them anyway?” — RadioMattMM

    From things I’ve read, it’s likely a phishing expedition: pistol brace owners have 90 days to purchase a stamp to make their stabilizer “compliant”. Applying for the stamp requires owners to fill out detailed paperwork regarding their pistol brace. Anticipating that millions of owners will apply for the stamp, delays in getting the stamp granted will be a feature, not a bug. Most (if not all) of the applications will not be processed by the end of the 90 day application period. The result: millions of Americans will be in violation of this BATFE rule and, as far as those who “did the right thing” are concerned, the federal government will know exactly who is in violation and where to make the arrests.

  6. Kcir

    Not really talking about regular pistols being used with these things.

    The braces are made for rifle caliber “pistols”. ARs & AKs with VERY short barrels, mainly. Very close to being short barrel rifles when in use. That’s their excuse for banning them.

    The braces aren’t buttstocks but get very close to being one. The wrap around for your forearm is meant to stabilize the use with all that high caliber recoil.

    Bonus control feature meant by our Govt – they’ll do anything within their power to make you less accurate and effective.

    My 10mm Glock would be pretty awesome with a vertical fore grip on it. What an urban fighter it would be. Nope. Not allowed. Poor man’s version of an MP5/10 and that scares them, I guess.

  7. Dadof4/Kcir

    Let me try and clarify an AR Pistol and Pistol Brace for you. An AR Pistol is an SBR. All the way down to a 7 inch barrel. The illegal one behind my truck seat is 10″. An AR pistol bares no resemblance to a traditional pistol. Pistol Braces for ARs and Aks, spit, are kinda of hollow plastic tubes with a strap around them in case you’re shooting with a stubby arm. However, the end of the pistol braces have a contour of a stock so yo can throw it right up to your shoulder. And it drives the ATF nucking futs.

  8. Forget the 2nd for a moment. I have 4th Amendment rights as well. I WILL be secure in my personal property. I have committed no crime. Retroactive laws are by nature illegal. The batfags can go fuck themselves.

  9. The “rule” was implemented after millions of these braces were sold. The ATF is trying to get as many suckers to get their “free” stamp, in exchange for all their personal information. It is nothing more than a back-door gun registration scheme.

  10. Law abiding American citizens’ are made Felons for having a formally legal firearm braced piston subject to a $250,000 fine and 10 years in Prison.

    Hi I’m from your Government and I am here to help you.
    Biden abandoned (Swiftly retreated) leaving $80 Billion dollars of high tech military equipment in AfGhanistan.
    Biden is depleting military hardware, ammunition, selling our National
    Petroleum Reserve to china, shipping tanks and arms to Ukraine and now Biden’s ATF is attempting to confiscate weapons from law abiding American citizens.

  11. Ruh Roh! The serfs are ignoring their “betters” again!

    And Doc Shitter craps up another thread again with his portajohn business! G𝐀𝒀𝐀𝑻𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄7.𝑪𝐎𝐌

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