Oklahoma to Vote on Cannabis – IOTW Report

Oklahoma to Vote on Cannabis


Oklahoma voters will decide Tuesday whether to make the state one of the most conservative to green light cannabis use for adults. State Question 820, the result of a signature gathering drive last year, is the only item on the statewide ballot. Other conservative states have legalized recreational cannabis use, including Montana in 2020 and Missouri last year, but several have rejected it , including Arkansas, North Dakota, and South Dakota. The plan faces opposition from leaders of several faith groups, along with law enforcement and prosecutors, led by former Republican Gov. Frank Keating, an ex-FBI agent, and Terri White, the former head of the state’s Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, the AP reports.

“We don’t want a stoned society,” Keating said Monday, flanked by district attorneys and law enforcement officers from across the state.The proposal, if passed, would allow anyone over the age of 21 to purchase and possess up to 1 ounce of marijuana, plus concentrates and marijuana-infused products. People could also legally grow up to 12 marijuana plants. Recreational sales would be subjected to a 15% excise tax on top of the standard sales tax. The excise tax would be used to help fund local municipalities, the court system, public schools, substance abuse treatment, and the state’s general revenue fund. The proposal also outlines a judicial process for people to seek expungement or dismissal of prior marijuana-related convictions.


21 Comments on Oklahoma to Vote on Cannabis

  1. Just ask Wash. state, Oregon, California, Colorado etc. just how legalizing marijuana has made them. It was a huge mistake legalizing pot in my state of Wash. and others. Please learn from our mistakes, you don’t want Oklahoma to become another stoner state, God forbid. Merle Haggard is rolling over in his grave singing a continuous loop of Okie From Muskogee.

  2. They already have “medicinal” grow facilities with lists of “prescribers” that will help you out. A friends son runs one of them…….And his biggest competitors are chinese owned grow facilities….

    ORWW should comment on this….Where’s she been?….

  3. willygoatsgruff, have you seen “Tulsa King”? It’s a dark comedy, one of the few shows I watch on TV. Sylvester Stallone plays a mobster banished to Oklahoma, and he muscles in on a Tilsa “medical marijuana” shop first thing.

  4. As conservative as I am, I will always vote for legalizing this. At least decriminalizing it. Just like you should be able to make your own beer.

    I’m even bothered by the Democrats wanting to make it a taxable thing – thus making it a crime to grow your own.

    Selling it? Sure. Tax that. Bust them for running a business without paying state sales tax, if that applies.

    On a personal use level, if You want to take the air out of the cartels, you’ll need to make it OK to grow your own.


    Taxing it can be a big problem too. Gives authorities a reason to investigate innocent, private, growers.

    Look at Colorado if you think a lot of money can be raised from it. Off market sales will kill that idea. Just stop being greedy and controlling about it.

  5. Bryan county in S Oklahoma has 42,000 residents, and approximately 40 “medical marijuana” stores. Seems almost every resident has a medical weed card. This vote will just remove the “prescription”. As Willy said, the chinese are buying every acre for illegal grows.

  6. “The excise tax would be used to help fund local municipalities, the court system, public schools, substance abuse treatment, and the state’s general revenue fund.”

    Is that sufficiently obfuscatory? In other words – every single penny extorted from the dope-heads will be stolen by the politicians.

    Next year when they raise OK taxes they’ll claim “unintended consequences” happened and there ain’t no money. Watch.

    MD was gonna solve all its tax problems and school funding with the Lottery! The maggots just continued to increase spending until they “had” to raise taxes!

    Lying sacks of monkey shit.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Dad of 4: Couldn’t disagree more. The biggest mistake made in Oregon was voting to legalize pot. First it was only for “medicinal” use (which was bullshit). So the stoners came and they all got a RX. Then it was recreational weed, and more stoners came. Now, basically any drug has been decriminalized. The state is a mess, Cartels are there with illegal grows, OLCC can’t keep up with it, and instead of preventing crime, it has increased. Keep people stupid, lazy and addicted. Hold the line Oklahoma!

  8. @ Tony R

    Looks like my comments about Gov involvement are more vindicated by your concerns than not.

    As for other illicit growers, isn’t it the tax concerns that make it profitable for the “outsider entities”?

    Leave people alone. Basic conservative principle.

    This includes shooting the bad guys.

  9. California got greedy and priced legal weed out of the market. As a result they didn’t even get a third of the tax revenue that they anticipated. Now they want to spend more money to bail out the legal weed businesses and more money to police the illegal trade. As they say, idiot politicians could lose money running a whorehouse.

  10. Dad of 4: In Oregon it has been legal to grow your own weed for over 10 years, tax free; it is only taxed if you sell it, just like you said you were OK with. So why are drug crimes on the rise in Oregon, and why are the cartels doing business there? You really should go live there for a while and see how wonderful it is.

  11. @ Tim – FJB MARCH 7, 2023 AT 6:56 PM

    You need look no further than the promises that Lotto revenues would fund education made to the fucking morons in Washington State ~ 1980 to know that so little of the revenues will ever make it to wherever it is promised that any promises made in that regard are abject bullshit.

  12. Same in MO. Illegal (?) weed is cheaper and you aren’t photographed and put on a list.

    For about 2 years I saw the Springfield POLICE sit in the parking lots of the medical dispensaries and arrest the medical users who sold their shit to civilians. They arrested the civilians, too.

    It was like a Kafka novel, or a Phil K. Dick novel. He can’t have it, but you can, but you can’t sell it, either.

    And don’t start whining about how CDLs need special training and chits. MOST people can’t drive for shit.


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