Olbermann is a source of comedy now… – IOTW Report

Olbermann is a source of comedy now…

Kinda glad he is still alive. We need court jesters.


They’re also going after the First – they want to criminalize policy differences.  The crown jewel of the protections in the First Amendment is FREEDOM of POLITICAL SPEECH.  If you are not free to criticize your government, you have no ability to petition for a redress of grievances.


ht/ bad brad

25 Comments on Olbermann is a source of comedy now…

  1. My mother taught me that it is rude and uncivilized to laugh at crazy of stupid people.

    Sorry, Mom.


  2. “ht/ bad brad”

    I thought Brad gave up the “bad” handle to get more in touch with his inner zen.

    I didn’t think Keith was on TV anymore.

    Wow, to be that passionate, to that stupid, to be that wrong. He truly is the perfect personification of the letist agenda.

  3. “Corrupt, immoral, anti-democratic, etc., etc…”

    Same shit they were accusing him of before he was even inaugurated. They foisted those exact same adjectives onto him before he took any oath.
    They were never going to give him even the slightest hint of a chance.
    Somebody change this broken record.
    And slap that stupid fuck while you’re at it.

  4. i think it’d be a gas to work this fool into a frothing mass of quaking pus as he’s drinking at a bar somewhere.

    To think he used to be an entertaining sports commenter on espn 30 yrs ago.

  5. According to the Wikipedia: Olbermann suffers from a mild case of coeliac disease, as well as restless legs syndrome. In August 1980, he also suffered a head injury while leaping onto a New York City Subway train. This head injury permanently upset his equilibrium, resulting in his avoidance of driving.

    No wonder he’s so pissed, He spends most of his time on the crapper with dancing legs and a permanent head rush…

  6. I don’t care about that hat tips to much. But I know others do. And that wasn’t me.

    rich taylor, It ain’t easy being Bad all the time. Plus my Apple Supplied Personal Monitoring device doesn’t retain screen names. Lot easier just typing Brad.

  7. Keith you are definitely a poster child for why Liberalism/Communism is a mental disorder, and should be custom fitted for a straitjacket. 😁

    Our Founding Father’s would not be putting up with this crap. 🇺🇸🇺🇸

  8. Keith Olbermann is retarded!
    How did such an idiot ever get a job to begin with?
    Or is this just about the worst case of TDS you’ve ever seen!
    It kinda looks like he knows what we know. Trumps gonna win!


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