Old MacBiden Had a Pen… – IOTW Report

Old MacBiden Had a Pen…

EO, EO, EO, EO, EO, EO, EO, EO, EO….

FDR in Hell

13 Comments on Old MacBiden Had a Pen…

  1. For a guy that is usually pretty optimistic I’m getting just a bit discouraged with this new administration and the media being perfectly pleased with it all. Then you’ve got the rinos doing their best to follow orders from their handlers and a bunch of us in the middle are about to be squeezed!

  2. I didn’t think it was possible to hate someone’s voice more than Obama’s but Sundown Joe is right up there. There is no one home, the slur, the flatness and the obvious coaching and lack of spontaneity. Ugh.

    There’s no one home upstairs but someone is running the White House in the oval downstairs.

  3. Illustr8r- You know what creeps me out more and more?
    Knowing what hunter biden did to his niece, etc. and
    when I hear joe’s voice, I can hear hunter’s. They have very similar tones and mannerisms when they talk. (and hobbies, I bet)
    So gross.

  4. Biden’s doing what he said he would do, and doing it faster than any other President in history.

    Not bad for a senile old man that doesn’t even know where he is most of the time, eh?


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