Patriot Retort: The only person who seems utterly dumbfounded by Joe Biden’s cratering campaign for President is Joe Biden. And, boy howdy, is he getting ornery about it.
Or should I say ornerier. Is that a word? It must be since spell-check didn’t flag it.

Old Ornery Joe spent Friday night’s debate shouting so much, even Bernie Sanders was on the verge of saying, “Whoa, Joe.
Dial back on the yelling, would’ja!”
And yesterday, Joe yanked out a new insult to hurl at voters when he called a young woman a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier.”
That’s even more of a mouthful than “You kids get off’a my lawn!”
I get it.
Joe thought his stint as Obama’s VP would translate into wild, enthusiastic support.
You may ask why aren’t I 50 points ahead?
Well it’s because I don’t have 50 heads to sniff.
Did Joe spot another dog face or two in the crowd? That really gets him cranky.
Ask yourself where all the money to support his campaign is coming from, and exactly why it is being provided and the purpose it is serving.
Politics is like a chess game and politicians like the pieces, but it’s the ones playing the game that are calling the moves. Every move is a part of their strategy.
The player that wins is the one that understands their opponent and his strategy the best and moves his pieces accordingly.
^^^ That’s like asking a dog to understand a magic trick!
I sure hope he didn’t borrow too much money from Hillary to finance his hair sniffing tour.
At this point, he could call a townhall questioner a fat, rugmunching bull dyke and the Washington Post would pen a thousand word column on what a hilarious reference it was to the 1958 movie Calling All Quakers featuring Delores Montenegro and Smiley Burnette.
Why is Biden such a terrible candidate? Because an even worse media has insulated him from any criticism for decades.
How else do you even notionally consider saying that your AK47 won’t stand a chance to our F15s and hellfire missiles when I call on the military to air strike American civilians in America and door-to-door raids?
This cheese is off his cracker.
Tell’em about the time that you slickered that U-cranium guy into gettin’ shit-canned, Joe… that always gets’em.
The best laid plans of mice and men…
“Joe, I have some bad news: The Ukraine thing is getting hot. Trump is poking around. The good news is that we are working on a solution, but you will have to run for President to make it work. You don’t have to do this, Joe, but it would help keep a bunch of folks out of jail if it works.”
“So what’s the plan, Barack?”
“Like I said, we’re fine-tuning it. The important thing is you declare your candidacy soon. Trump just called Zelensky.”
“Holy sh!t, Barack, That’s a big f—-ing deal! I’ll declare next week!”
”That’s what I wanted to hear. We got Stephanopoulos trying to get a sit-down with Trump, likely in a few weeks. He’s going to set Trump up by asking him if he’d accept dirt from a foreign country on a political opponent.”
“Wow…Which political opponent? What country?”
“You, and Ukraine, Joe. Your unfortunate CFR blurt is getting noticed. Anyway, Trump will say no, he would not accept the dirt and when he calls Zelensky again to get the goods, we are going to be right there to catch him getting dirt on you. And Hunter. We can paint the phone call any way we want. Nobody will ever know what was really said, because the call is classified! Trump will be impeached and gone by Christmas. If all goes as planned.“
“Fantastic, Barack. I am stoked.”
“Good. Go get ‘em, Joe.”
Looks Like Sanders will be the nominee and he’ll pick Buttigieg as his V.P.
🎪 -=Sand N Butt 2020!=- 🎪
I’m still going Sanders-AOC but Bloomers and Buttboy will hookup at some point.
That’s how Pay For Gay works. Bloomers may ban Big Gulps but he’s all the sugardaddy Peter Eater will need to get the artisanal cupcake of his candidancy out of the stall.
Plus, Obama did not criticize Bloomers using video of him praising his achievements like an endorsement in ads. So you’ve got strong Establishment ties coalescing around those two. Plus Bloomers billions.
Sanders, Yang and the rest of the Prog coalition are outsiders. Klobuchar will fit in somewhere for “diversity”. Warren won’t.
Stop all the malarkey and get off my lawn you dog-faced pony soldier!
Keep reminding EVERY democrat you see, that until 1 month ago, Slow Joe’s shit didn’t stink:
“He’s the most electable!”
“He has experience!”
“He can stand up to Trump”
“He has never been wrong on foreign policy”
“He appeals to blacks” (how exactly? Joey himself claimed that Corn Pop hated him for who he is, long time ago)
Aren’t they supposed to “Just Swallow”?? Do it for Dr Jill !