Old Suck-Up Joe – IOTW Report

Old Suck-Up Joe

Patriot Retort –

Old Suck-up Joe is at it again, folks.  He’ll do or say anything to get Barack Obama to notice him.

I don’t believe for one nano-second that Joe told his BFF Barack not to endorse him.  It defies logic.  If suck-up Joe really didn’t want Obama’s endorsement, why would he be sucking up to him so hard?

Joe drops Barack’s name into every stump speech, every debate, every interview.  His entire campaign is built on his association with Barack Obama.

And all Joe’s name-dropping only amplifies the fact that to date, Barack still won’t endorse him.

So what’s a fella to do?

Well, Saturday in Iowa, a reporter asked old Suck-up Joe if he would consider nominating Barack Obama to the Supreme Court.


Who the hell knows.

There are so many other relevant, more pressing questions a reporter could ask Quid Pro Joe.

But, no.  Instead, he gets asked about nominating Barack Obama to the Supreme Court. more

10 Comments on Old Suck-Up Joe

  1. It’s possible obama’s case would be heard by the Supreme Court. The case to decide whether or not an ex-president can be executed for treason. I don’t see him actually sitting on the Supreme Court.

  2. I read this last night and 387 commenters
    and NOT A 1 got it right. Obungo along with
    Bill Clinton, Hillary and Mooch ALL voluntarily
    surrendered their law licences years ago to avoid
    being investigated by the BAR and insurance fruad

  3. Seditious gay Kenyan commie has a degree from Hawvud Law because of a corrupt Saudi quid pro quo. Did the gay commie ever have one single client? Tells us how little respect Biden has for the Supreme Court. Either that or Biden is dumb as a box of rocks.

  4. Joe, forget the seditious gay Kenyan commie. Laziest guy to ever show up to a government job. On the Supreme Court he’d have to work. Ain’t gonna happen. Besides, we’ve moved past all of his scandals, felonies, forgeries, deceptions, and corruption. He’d like to keep it that way.


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