Oligarchs Declare California Recall A “Coup” Attempt – IOTW Report

Oligarchs Declare California Recall A “Coup” Attempt

Front Page Magazine

“This recall effort, which really ought to be called ‘the California coup,’ is being led by right-wing conspiracy theorists, white nationalists, anti-vaxxers and groups who encourage violence on our democratic institutions.”

That was California Democratic Party chair Rusty Hicks, in a January 12 press conference, joined by Fresno city councilman Nelson Esparza who called the recall “treasonous.”  More

18 Comments on Oligarchs Declare California Recall A “Coup” Attempt

  1. In newspeak, a ‘coup’ is an election lost by the incumbent, unless that person is disfavored by the oligarchy. In that case it is a ‘triumph of democracy’

    Thus, Cruz’ and Hawley’s objections to the Electoral College votes on Jan 6 were part of an attempted coup but the 2017 electoral college challenges by Dems were demonstrations of the robust vigor of our constitutional democracy

  2. I thought when I first heard about the recall, even if they get the signatures he won’t step down and no one will make him. he’s a democrat and doesn’t have to follow the law.

  3. “…“Unlike a coup, which is an illegal seizure of power,” Christopher wrote, “a recall campaign is a democratic mechanism written into the California constitution that allows voters to remove an elected official by popular vote.”…”

    So Rusty Hicks, would you like some cheese with your whine?

  4. @Dr. Tar:

    They’ll keep ratcheting up language until they call upon law enforcement or the military to restore order to their minds.

    I’d like very much to restore order to the oligarch’s minds. Peace…serenity…nothingness…no thoughts at all, forever.


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