Mateen originally chose a Disney shopping mall in Orlando, but felt like there were too many armed police to deal with.
Guy Benson, for Townhall, writes-
These specifics shed some light onto how a demented individual bent on maximum destruction made decisions about his target — and also call into question the narrative that Mateen went out of his way to select an LGBT hotspot explicitly due to anti-gay bigotry.
You see, “mass shooters” pick soft targets, like gun-free zones, to carry out their spectacles.
It’s a no-brainer for these deranged individuals. Even through the mental illness that have enough common-sense, something that somehow eludes the left, to take the path of least resistance and choose a location that will allow the most unimpeded destruction. The left continues to make schools soft targets and then whines, “what else can we do but to take away everyone’s gun?”
The left, I suspect, don’t mind mass shootings because each one gets them closer, they believe, to repealing the 2nd amendment. Too harsh of an assumption?
Well, what else could it be? Can any group be that stupid?
Is there someone who doesn’t think that Terrorists are Godless cowards?
Doesn’t think? Hillary, Justin Trudeau, Obama, just to name a few….
Don’t we get this sinking feeling that once writers, journalists, investigators, etc, start referring to obvious jihadis as deranged or demented, there goes the case against the motivation for these terrorist murders?
It seems a given that any act of predatory murder is an act of an insane person, but many of these stories dismiss motive.
One of the most horrific crimes of this type was the Westgate mall shopping center in Nigeria that resulted in over 70 deaths. There were four terrorists involved.
It’s that jerk, Al Akhbar, who keeps showing up at these shootings.
Hey kids! Let’s make the Capitol a ‘gun free zone’ to see what would happen!!
And if something does happen, we could try the Supreme Court, and then every other federal building, just to verify the results.
Since government seems to feel gun free zones are so effective and desirable, what could possibly go wrong??
BAN GUNS! Make the world SAFER for, “peaceful”… mohammedanism.
Bullies don’t pick on tough guys, just whims like that Hogggg dude
Or people who are not armed. Just makes sense