‘OMG’: Emails Reveal Huma Abedin’s Reaction When Learning Hillary’s Server Was Target of Hacking – IOTW Report

‘OMG’: Emails Reveal Huma Abedin’s Reaction When Learning Hillary’s Server Was Target of Hacking

15 Comments on ‘OMG’: Emails Reveal Huma Abedin’s Reaction When Learning Hillary’s Server Was Target of Hacking

  1. “OMG, don’t send HRC anything sensitive.”

    Isn’t this the DEFAULT ACTION? Not to send anything sensitive? Shouldn’t they know this already?

    The fact that it had to be reiterated, means they WERE sending her sensitive things to her private server all along, and they knew they shouldn’t have.

    Can’t use the excuse, “I wasn’t aware.”

  2. Hillary’s unpunished crime of the century against America, as our criminal government justice system tries to hide it and polish it up to look shinny and bright. They failed America and won’t admit it, or fix it.

  3. Whut wuz really going thru her brain:
    “OMG I’m in big fukin trouble here cuz I backed up everything on my computer and that lousy rat Carlos Dangler backed mine up on his and we gave half the Middle East access to it!”

  4. I still think the occam’s razor of this is she wanted certain things stolen so she wouldn’t get busted for giving them outright.

    Yoga? Recipe’s? Really? nah. Traitor selling out her country for moolah and power.

    Money and power are her gods.

    Makes way more sense than “Ooops! I had no idea I left a back door open when I avoided the mandated use of Gov servers and security.”

  5. I, for one, would like to test Hillary’s yoga knowledge and see it in action. Because I don’t think she can bend over and touch her toes without taking a header into the coffee table.

    Secondly, I would also welcome any scrutiny as to who actually paid for her daughter’s $10.0MM wedding to the son of a Clinton donor scam artist who went to jail. Because we’re looking out for the little people who can’t afford $10k weddings.

    She doesn’t have to worry about server security though because the Secret Service was standing outside the locked door with some revolutionary microfiber cloths that got 5 star reviews on Amazon.

  6. “I, for one, would like to test Hillary’s yoga knowledge and see it in action. Because I don’t think she can bend over and touch her toes without taking a header into the coffee table.”

    I just spit out my coffee! LMAO

  7. @Bob M. May 12, 2019 at 7:44 am

    > We’d of been nuked by the Russians, Chinese, & North Koreans ALREADY, if this hag had been elected!

    Not we. The United States of America. The two are not the same.

  8. And this is why Huma’s laptop that sent Anthony Weiner to jail will never be allowed to emerge from the NYPD Property Room. If someone DOES does come to their senses and subpoena’s it, it will either be “not found” or “found damaged and unrecoverable”.


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