Omicron Blamed for Massive Airline Travel FUBAR – IOTW Report

Omicron Blamed for Massive Airline Travel FUBAR

CTH– Yesterday, more than 7,300 airline flights were canceled or delayed {link} due to COVID-19 panic, and more specifically, Omicron variant infections amid the airline industry.  Apparently, airline employees calling out sick, positive tests and quarantines. That’s their story, and they’re sticking to it. more here

9 Comments on Omicron Blamed for Massive Airline Travel FUBAR

  1. My bullshit meter is close to pegged on this. Especially when I read about UA pilots not being allowed to fly because they won’t get the jab. (On a related note, I keep reading stories about pilots dying mid-flight.)

    If UA is imposing this, which of the other airlines are also doing this?

    To top it off because my survival instincts tell me to question everything, how are these airlines making ends meet? Reduced number of flights, higher fuel costs, etc. Methinks the .gov is stuffing money in their pockets to keep their heads above water. I was going to say tax dollars but it’s not, it’s money they’re printing that generations after us will have to cover.

    Color me disgruntled.

    I need to work out the particulars of a trip to Texas in mid-March and I’m hesitant to book anything right now. I do know that I’ll pay whatever difference I have to so as not to fly United.

  2. I’m an anti vaxer. The lack of transparency from Government, Big Pharma and our Health Care system pisses me off. Mandates piss me off. Now that we know Vaccines DO NOT STOP COVID and Omicron is highly contagious I believe that every person fired for not getting the jab deserves a class action suit against all the bastards involved.

  3. A backdoor way to keep people sequestered. Cancel flights because The Diabolical Fowch Mengele projected “people should stay home” over Christmas and they told him to go pound sand. A family member left for the airport at 3AM, 4 hour flight West, sat 2 hours on the destination tarmac, then waited another 2 hours for bags…because “Omicron”. It’s getting more asinine.

    This Covid-Crap Psy-Op continues, although some of the all-in people are waking up that they’ve been had by a bunch of reprobates.

  4. Let’s see: Egotistical tyrants at Airline HQs unilaterally mandated employees take life threatening, career compromising, illegal, politically correct, unproven poison or face termination. Then at crunch time CEOs expect those they just butt jammed to step up to the plate? I don’t think so. FIRE every one of those CEOs.

  5. Before Covid was ever created and released from that lab in China, does anyone remember that thing we called “colds”? Funny how nobody really obsessed over a cough or the sniffles until they started calling it “Coronavirus”. Now if you sneeze in public, you are lucky the mob doesn’t attack you with torches and pitchforks. When you’re a sheep, the cancelling of flights is just the beginning of your worries.


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