On A Separate and Completely Unrelated Subject … – IOTW Report

On A Separate and Completely Unrelated Subject …

Interesting and important nutritional and health subjects.

24 Comments on On A Separate and Completely Unrelated Subject …

  1. Nice beard. I haven’t used margarine for at least the last 10 years or so, my dad was the one who talked me out of using margarine and just strictly using butter and he lived to be nearly 89 and it wasn’t animal fat that killed him, it was all those many years of smoking cigarettes.

  2. I heard of “second childhood” long before 1979. Perhaps the name Alzheimer’s” was coined then, but I am sure the condition existed. That is NOT to say it hasn’t gotten worse.

    Someone told me years ago that cancer did not exist before the 20th century. However, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence had cancer.

  3. That dude looks more like he should be giving out advice on the best squirrel food to buy. Not saying he doesn’t know his stuff, just that sometimes the envelope gets in the way of the message.

  4. “W.H.A.T…T.H.E…F.U.C.K…D.O.E.S…T.H.A.T…E.V.E.N…M.E.A.N…?.!.!.!”

    The claim is… Make one substitution, and you have “plastic”. It’s not that simple.

    Water.. H2O… Make one simple change, and it’s Hydrogen Peroxide. H2O2… 1% it’s in your bathroom as a wound sanitation item. 90+%, and it’s literally a mono-propellant rocket fuel.

    But here’s the thing… “Plastic” as we know it, is a polymerized (cross-linked) hydrocarbon. It has no Oxygen incorporated in its structure. Margarine contains oxygen. It’s a subtle difference that amounts to almost nothing, but as with so much of chemistry… It’s everything. All they’re saying is “remove the oxygen and it’s plastic!” But the deal is… You can’t discount the oxygen in margarine, any more than you can the oxygen in hydrogen peroxide. It’s just different “stuff”.


  5. Oops, let’s try this again. Pardon me. Distracted by hungry bird and bloody toe thingy. Anyway; Dr Joel Wallach and Pharmacist Ben Feuchs have been trying to get this message out for years. Google them. You’ll be shocked.

  6. “Yummmmmm….butter….lard….bacon!”

    Animal FATS. What your body was designed to run on. Rough day I couldn’t make it through the bearded ones slow presentation. Correct me if I’m wrong but he’s pointing out the dangers of seed oils. Yea well if that’s the case RFK jr is all over that and 1000% right. Now lets move on to pesticides that are tripling the occurrence of breast cancer in the U.S. over other countries through increased estrogen production. Currently young girls in the u.S. go through puberty 5 years earlier than Your A Peon countries. These same chemicals are responsible for record low Testo production in U.S. males. They’ve taken male frogs and sprayed them with some of these pesticides and they turn into female frogs. I’m hardly joking.
    First, we need to get Trump elected, then Trump needs to put RFK jr in charge of the FDA and the CDC. God bless them both. I have a shit load of grand kids and this intentional act pissed me off.

  7. Brad, he didn’t talk about seed oils. His main point is that doctors put everyone on statins because of “high” cholesterol. Our brains are made up of mostly cholesterol and most of our body needs it.

    Statins are killing brain cells and our bodies.

    My take: the FDA keeps lowering the cholesterol numbers in order to put more people on statins. Same with the glucose numbers. They want everyone on drugs for “high” blood sugar.

  8. Thank Claudia. My “Bad Cholesterol” was two points over the legal limit and they tried to put me on statins three weeks ago. I believe, as a health nut that drinks to much, snicker, that it’s all related. They don’t want us healthy. Healthy people are a threat. Attached is my perspective from a former power lifter that now focuses on total fitness. You should really watch this. It’s an eye opener. And again, all related.


  9. Grass fed organic butter when I use it.
    I’ve been using olive oil at least 15 yrs.
    Cholesterol gets checked in Jan. will see then.
    Last dr. wanted me to take meds and so husband and I fired her
    and got new dr. I eat a lot of “Dave’s Breads” organic and expensive.
    Lots of brown organic rice with beans, garlic and peppers, limited cheeses–one rice bowl almost each day. Walk alot now and probably join a gym for winter months. I don’t want meds! Weekly wild salmon patties, Grass fed hamburgers, and occasional non-organic roasts, chicken, I am just very careful now.

  10. My mother hated margarine. She tried it in the ’70’s but preferred butter. So that’s what we use. I cook with olive oil and avocado oil.
    Take a look at the ingredients on vegetable oil. It’s soy.
    Soy is terrible for your kidneys and joints.
    Canola oil is made from rapeseed, which is also used to make nerve gas.
    Just stick to natural and balance.
    Cut down the sugars. That’s a big one.

    Rib eye steak at my house tonight. Mmmmm, animal fat.

  11. Brad, she is on X, too. I saw one where she talked about the pesticides on crops, but not about the estrogen in plastic making girls go through puberty at 10! No wonder we have such messed up kids. Boys taking estrogen? No wonder they think they are gay.


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