On his last day in office – IOTW Report

On his last day in office



Sign yourself up for ObamaCare.
Return Michelle to the wild.
Find Anthony Weiner a job.

h/t JR

41 Comments on On his last day in office

  1. Admit you’re homosexual and that Mooch is a man.
    Own up to your devotion to islam.
    Admit it was your goal to damage/destroy the USA.
    And drop dead swallowing your own tongue.

  2. Anything he’s done or attempted has turned into a train wreck for our country so please don’t do anything. Don’t even turn out the lights. Just go. Don’t forget your mother in law. She’s up stairs. And that cleaning deposit. Forget about it.

  3. issue “full, free, and complete” pardons to every single convict in our prisons on that day…….just so there will be room for the REAL criminals when President Trump decides to start actually enforcing the law…..

    also, publish his list of “useful idiot” sycophants in the media, TRUTHFULLY…….

    recognize, finally, that his adoption by an indonesian daddie revoked his american citizenship, and try to prove he actually applied for reinstatement as a citizen, and was approved…..lol

    volunteer, and, of course! be accepted for the first human mission to mars…..cause who could be better?????

    invent a time machine, and go back and force stanley ann to have an abortion…..that failing, beat the kid out of her…..or strangulate it upon birth….thereby creating a paradox the results of which no one can
    foresee!!!…suspence!!! excitement!!!

    eat crow, duh……

    admit he’s actually half white…..but then he’d blame all his failures on his WHITE half…….

    take over all the national networks, all the cable channels, and every other outlet he can get hold of, look us all in the eye and say…..SCREW YOU….I WON….AND I DESTROYED YOUR COUNTRY…..AND THERE IS “NOTHING YOU CAN NOTHING YOU CAN NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT”……

    (queen reference, just to show i’m not a homophobe)

    this is only a partial list…..i’m sure i can come up with more ideas when i’m awake…….

  4. whenever i think about this piece of crap leaving office, i remember the day he TOOK office…

    na na na na…..na na na na….hey hey….goodbye…

    yeah, what a classy bunch of a-holes…….

    unfortunately, he will be allowed to leave in dignity, on account of WE actually ARE a classy bunch of a-holes…. 🙂

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