On House Floor, Louie Gohmert Calls For Cancelling Democrat Party – IOTW Report

On House Floor, Louie Gohmert Calls For Cancelling Democrat Party

DanBongino: On Thursday, amid the nationwide calls to remove Confederate statues and monuments, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) decided to call on the Democrat party to put their money where its mouth is—to “cancel” itself.

The Democrat party was the party of the Confederacy and the KKK. It has supported slavery, segregation and Jim Crow over its history. MORE

20 Comments on On House Floor, Louie Gohmert Calls For Cancelling Democrat Party

  1. …well, they’ll say there was a big…and the Southern Strategy…and Democrats became Republicans and Republicans became Democrats instantly and magically, so REALLY Lincoln was a Democrat….and also, because they say so and…RAYYYCISS, RAYYYCCISS, RAYYYYYCISS, EVERYTHING’S RAYCIST, MUST BURN ALL!!! RRRRE3EEEEEEEEEE33Ë€ÈÉʳTTTTTTTTTTT!

  2. Don’t ever again, and I mean ever, refer to them as the Democratic Party. They should continuously be referred to as the “Democratic Socialist Party” until it sticks.

  3. From SNS: “…well, they’ll say there was a big…and the Southern Strategy…and Democrats became Republicans and Republicans became Democrats instantly and magically, so REALLY Lincoln was a Democrat…”

    This is surprisingly a matter of faith among old democrats. They actually believe this.

  4. From above: “The Democrat party was the party of the Confederacy and the KKK. It has supported slavery, segregation and Jim Crow…”

    This is like bringing up old tweets and faceboob posts. Really old ones, when they were printed on paper.

  5. It’s a good thing we didn’t have assholes like anonymous fighting any war. I can hear him now, what’s the point, no one cares, I’m staying home. You guys go do the hard work and then give me a call.

  6. Just tell your Dem/Left friends and associates to search “politicians who were members of the KKK.” They’re nearly ALL Democrats. There’s like 2 Republicans, and at least one of those seems to be a party-switch.

  7. To quote Rush – “Right on, Right on, RIGHT ON.”

    Nothing like a good well put together history lesson. He should go on tour with a band.


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