On Independence Day: ‘This land is stolen and black people still aren’t free’ – Cori Bush – IOTW Report

On Independence Day: ‘This land is stolen and black people still aren’t free’ – Cori Bush

How do we get rid of these divisive politicians?


  • The Missouri congresswoman caught heat Sunday for her tweet disparaging the holiday
  • Many criticized her as spreading divisive rhetoric
  • Bush is no stranger to controversy for her far-left stances
  • In May she referred to mothers as ‘birthing people’ in a speech before Congress
  • In June she called for reparations after Juneteenth was name a federal holiday  

Travis Wines tweeted: ‘Black people aren’t free? Your district hasn’t had a white representative in over 50 years. You, a black woman, went from being a nurse to being elected to one of the highest offices in the country. How much more freedom are you looking for? 

‘You’re one of the most powerful people on the planet. The blood of so many of every color was spilled to provide you that opportunity. How sad to not recognize their sacrifice and, instead, promote racial division,’ wrote Douglas Karr.  


27 Comments on On Independence Day: ‘This land is stolen and black people still aren’t free’ – Cori Bush

  1. this is the”lady”who believes in some kind of voodoo, bringing back the dead, my God, is on the level of Warnock lives on another planet, typical Democrat

  2. Watch Dr. Carol Swain or Amala Ekpunobi to get some perspective. They are the exact opposite of this hog. Lovely ladies with sweet spirits. Definitely palate cleansers.

  3. By using these “##” you know what I think you are. I have no respect for you or the likes of your ilk. Call me racist I really don’t give a damn.

  4. Bush is a Satan worshipper with a long stranding reputation in MO for extreme racism against Whites, and Asians.

    Her district in STL is 99% black. So like Mad Max she will always have the communist wind at her back.

    Her radicalism and promotion to the squad is from Soros who has bankrolled the bigot for years.

    Soros is one of Lucifers most prolific minions on earth. The evil he perpetuates and finances is staggering.

  5. She, like AOC, is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, which sent its representatives to meet with Venezuela’s dictator Maduro last Friday. The DSA now has three Representatives in Congress. The third is Jamaal Bowman. They need to be put back in the minority in 2022.

  6. This nasty, ignorant Black Colored Woman needs more exposure between now and the 2022 Midterm Election. I don’t care if she gets re-elected, because her constituents probably deserve her, but she’s a great advertisement for throwing her colleagues out on their arses.

  7. Still not “free”? Affirmative action, set asides, municipal, state & federal contract preferences, university & college preferences, free pass against prosecution for rioting, looting & arson, multiple generations living in taxpayer funded apartments and single family homes courtesy of Section 8, plus all the new entitlements enacted since ’08. Yada, yada, yada.

    Bitch please, the horse is long dead. Stop beating it.

  8. “…How much more freedom are you looking for?…”

    Her reply: “Make me an offer, but it better start in the 10 figure range, and we’ll go from there.”

  9. It must be a sad life indeed constantly living in a state of frustration, anger, worry and self-pity while eternally looking for something to complain about or be offended over. Life is much easier when one is positive and thankful for what he has rather than what he doesn’t. Life is very short and many, like this individual, waste valuable time in a state of negativity. And, when gone from this earthly life, few are remembered, even by the ones closest to them. Just a flash in the pan. These types create and live their own punishment.

  10. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink. Every black person I am friends with can’t stand this mentality and all of them simply took advantage of the opportunities available and walked off the plantation through the gates that were wide open. It was Democrats and their Uncle Toms working for Democrats who were the one standing in the gates trying to prevent them from leaving.

    FWIW, damn near all of them are from the Deep South

  11. Yer right Cori, yer absolutely 110% right!
    Republicans freed you 156 years ago (that would be 12 generations ago in Black years) and you allowed yerselves to be purchased back with Trillions of dollars in 80-plus federal welfare programs since! You are a wholly owned subsidiary of the democRAT party!
    Own it Bitch!

  12. Dear dumbass lady, your freedom was bought and paid for by the blood of 600,000 + mostly white males on both sides of the Civil War nearly 160 years ago. Quit your bitching and be thankful for the sacrifices they made and the blood they shed to set you free. And always remember the democraps are not your friends, they’re still the party of racism and slavery to this day only in different forms but the results are the same. And none of us who are alive now are responsible for the sins of our fathers so don’t even think about reparations.

  13. Oh, don’t worry, the dumb negress knows better but she also knows that what she is doing is working so why stop! She and her ilk will stop when we stop them!


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