On Reaching the Point of No Return – IOTW Report

On Reaching the Point of No Return


You either believe in laws or you believe in mob rule. It doesn’t matter whether you agree with the law or agree with the mob on some particular issue. If threats of violence against judges — and publishing where a judge’s children go to school — is the way to settle issues, then there is not much point in having elections or laws. More

17 Comments on On Reaching the Point of No Return

  1. All part of George Soros’ plan.

    You just have to wonder how scarred as a child he was to take such delight in inflicting pain and suffering in the targets of his sociopathic self proclaimed enemies.

  2. I think democrats are filth, and sooner or later, they will have to be dealt with harshly, or the country will become a complete fucking shithole from coast to motherfucking coast. That’s what the filth want. They’re Satan’s political party.

  3. We’ve just about reached that point now, and we’ll know it for sure after the November elections: if we don’t win elections by landslides in November, we’ll know the fix is still in. I think it is.

  4. @Stirring. I don’t care what F You Schumer or his handler Soros went through as a child. Like I don’t care about a child abusers childhood. Live your life, not your history. You don’t control your past, but have some control over your choices. F’ THESE evil people.

  5. Mob rule is “democracy” writ large.
    That is why our Founders gave us a Republic.
    It has failed.

    We shrank from punishing electoral fraud with death – so the fraudsters believe (rightfully) that no one gives a shit.
    As we descend into chaos and anarchy, those of us who believe in the Constitution must organize for defence, to protect civilization from ruin, to try to salvage America.
    We cannot undo the past – but – BUT – we can claim the future.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Our republic/democracy has failed? FUCK YOU AHOLE! YOU have fail America, the greatest nation on earth. Scumbags like you want our country to fall apart, go Fuck yourself today!

  7. Obama showed us what democracy looks like to Democrats. Rent-a-mobs and Obama’s children shouting, “This is what democracy looks like!!!” All’s fair in Democrat’s free and fair elections, as long as Democrats “win”.

  8. D’rats demagogue because not one repugnican has the balls to stand up & denounce them on the floor of the Senate

    … ’cause the repugnicans beg for d’rat table scraps; they enjoy being the minority party.

    (& when they are the majority, they do everything in their power to get back to the minority party asap)

    btw …
    “Democracy is two wolves & a sheep deciding what to have for lunch” ~ W. Churchill

  9. I believe every rifle should be zeroed, because eventually this Biden/Obama fiasco will go hot.

    If that isn’t enough of a motivation, consider the 87,000 new IRS targets of opportunity that are weaponized against us.

  10. You either believe in laws or you believe in mob rule.

    A bathetic lie. But the Founding Father, PT Barnum, explained that.

    It doesn’t matter whether you agree with the law or agree with the mob on some particular issue.

    To secure the blessings of tyranny. For ourselves, and our posterity. Obey!

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