On This Day In 1994 O.J. Simpson Murdered Two People – IOTW Report

On This Day In 1994 O.J. Simpson Murdered Two People

When the jury nullified an avalanche of damning evidence, people in the street, mostly black, cheered, widening the chasm between whites and blacks.

ht/ Zalty Ballz

22 Comments on On This Day In 1994 O.J. Simpson Murdered Two People

  1. Every white woman I ever talked
    to that was “involved” with blacks
    got lied to,stolen from,mooched off of,
    cheated on and then her and kid/kids
    were abandoned…..

  2. One of the first major victories for the post-modernist “Let’s fuck up America movement.”

    A half black/half brain dead jury lets a black murderer off because the victims were white and the woman was pretty and once stole a black man away from the black woman who deserved him.

    Dat be so-sho just us yo!…

  3. At least OJ is spending the rest of his hideous life behind bars on a different charge, but the fact that some (white) people (including my own mother) still argue that there wasn’t enough evidence… JUST BECAUSE HE WAS A ‘big strong football hero’. Just gag me.

  4. Seriously? How. I’ll be polite, “retarded” do blacks have to be? To think the government, especially the California government, is just a shake down racket?

  5. Moved to CA in 1991. Rodney King riots, earthquakes, fires. Thankful to leave CA in 1994. Back here, got struck by lightning. Then OJ happened. And I thought the country was screwed up back then.

    Little did I know.

  6. I was in a Philadelphia hotel standing on the mezzanine looking down at all the people watching the Lobby TV waiting for the decision. When it was announced I watched every Black person cheer and celebrate and every White person just stand there in disbelief. That was the defining moment when I knew racism was very much alive and well in America, just not the kind people assumed it was!

  7. It was the case then as now, blacks think they should be governed by they’re own rules and resent being judged by anyone white. They think they are owed that. The smoldering hatred is within most of them, not the opposite.

    Obviously, you’ve never spoken with my wife…or my son’s wife…or my other son’s girlfriend…or my brother’s wife…or…

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