Once Again the Left Says the Right Has No Talent – IOTW Report

Once Again the Left Says the Right Has No Talent

9 Comments on Once Again the Left Says the Right Has No Talent

  1. Actually like, like actually, like literally, and shit?

    All libtards belong in rubber rooms. Not only are you libtards inept, you are a drain on the earth. You are worse than useless.

    You libtards (and you TDS asswipes) should all be sent huge black dildos with dynamite triggers. You will all happily shove them up one another’s assholes and be blown into oblivion.

  2. You know what’s going to be really bad? When Hollywood tries to cash in onthe “Ladyballers” phenomenon by doing a knock-off, woke facsimile which tries to offend nobody but the non-woke. Sort of like “Barbie”.

  3. The dirty little secret is that if you don’t tow the Leftist line, you don’t get work in Hollyweird! The fact is there are plenty of talented people with Conservative values, the Leftists just don’t tolerate competition!
    Aaaaaaaaaaaannnd with as many box office flops as they’ve had, it’s “The Golden Age of Shit” where the logic is: throw enough on the wall eventually something will stick!

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