UPDATE: Gennifer Flowers Responds–Once You’re On Trump’s Side, You See Why These Tweets Are Effective – IOTW Report

UPDATE: Gennifer Flowers Responds–Once You’re On Trump’s Side, You See Why These Tweets Are Effective

Gennifer Flowers Accepts Trump’s Invitation-

Trump always punches back twice as hard and I love him for it. If Mittens had done that we might have had a much better last four years.  – C. Steven Tucker

This is what people fail to see with Trump. He’s reacting to crap other people are starting. Hillary thought it would be cute to have someone staring down Trump from the front row.

“Okay, let’s play, shall we?,” says Trump.

42 Comments on UPDATE: Gennifer Flowers Responds–Once You’re On Trump’s Side, You See Why These Tweets Are Effective

  1. Oh man, I wish he would. Maybe that 12 year old, now a woman, who was raped and Hillary got him off & laughed about it.

    Trump is so far inside her OODA loop that she doesn’t even know how fucked she is.

  2. Find the Russian who picked up classified documents in her Moscow hotel room. Put him right in front of Hiladbeast, rubbing his thumb along his finger tips indicating, when she’s through coughing up Huma hair balls, she should cough up a few million bucks.

  3. Hellary needs to just give up now. Not even the Dead Thugs Mothers Club can compare to the countless real victims the Clinton Cartel have created. Trump has got this and will be our next president.

  4. I’d like to see Monica sitting next to Ms. Flowers. I’d like to see Monica pull a big pickle out of her purse and start sucking on it all the while with Monica’s eyes fixated on Hillary. Oh, how delicious that would be.

  5. If Trump was smart he’d give Hillary the ultimate, in your face, Coup De Grace.

    BFH, this is a meme idea for you. Get to work, fast!

    Picture a row full of people during the debate – with 4 conspicuously empty chairs in the front row reserved area with the names:

    Tyrone Woods
    Glen Doherty
    Sean Smith
    Chris Stevens

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